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Joint Report on Terrorism in The Sahel - Facts & Figures

Statistical information on terrorist violent attacks occurring between 1 Sep-31 Dec 2019 (Period A) and 1 Jan-30 Apr 2020 (Period B).

Africa - Fight Against Terrorism - Format: PDF - Size: 2.26 MB - Date: May, 2021 - Pages: 20 - Copyright: NATO Strategic Direction South HUB - Tags: Sahel, Extremism, Terrorism

These documents are jointly produced by the African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT) of the African Union (AU) and the NATO Strategic Direction South - Hub.

A series of progressive analyses of  trends in terrorism in order to create a broader and more nuanced understanding of the dynamics of terrorism throughout 2019 and 2020




The Sahel is a highly complex environment where a large variety of terrorism and violent extremist organizations (TVEOs) continue to challenge the state authorities for supremacy. This has led to it becoming one of the most volatile regions on the African continent in recent years. The root causes of this instability are many and complex. Nonetheless a common characteristic which fuels the TVEOs is that many of their activities are cross-border and affect large areas of the Sahel. This document is intended to be the first of many tri-annual reports whose purpose will be to provide a more comprehensive vision of trends in terrorism across the region by way of progressive analyses, in order to create a broader and more nuanced understanding of the dynamics of terrorism over time. 

The NATO Southern Hub

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