the NATO Southern HUB
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Knowledge Management Center (KMC)

KMC primarily supports the Branch Head by coordinating the internal activities of CRAS, CECS and NECS and ensuring efficient coordination with higher echelons, in particular NATO Headquarters and both Strategic Commands, SHAPE and SACT. KMC also acts as a dissemination point by managing Hub information, distributing our products and making relevant information available, not only to NATO but also, and more importantly, to all civil and military institutions interested in the South.

Comprehensive Research and Analysis Section (CRAS)

CRAS conducts research and produces analytical papers to provide NATO with a greater understanding of the challenges facing NATO and our partners in North Africa, the Middle East, Sahel and Sub-Saharan regions. Our CRAS analysts work in conjunction with researchers and on-site subject matter experts to gain insights from the local perspective, which can then be incorporated to enrich the NATO mindset. CRAS analysis also allows NATO to identify opportunities where it can contribute to the efforts being made by countries and regional organizations to enhance stability in the region.

Civilian Military Engagement Coordination Section (CECS)

CECS is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of a permanent and robust civil liaison network, primarily made up of key non-military organizations in the southern region which have a clearer understanding based on their first-hand experience. These include universities, research centers, non-governmental organizations and local and regional institutions. It is the people making up these organizations who will help NATO understand the region and focus collaborative activities aimed at providing enduring stability and peace. This comprehensive network of key organizations is critical to the function of the Hub in order to provide local understanding of current and potential future challenges and opportunities.

NATO Engagement Coordination Section (NECS)

NECS is responsible for contributing to the coordination of key engagements and NATO activities taking place in the South. By exchanging information with Partners and Allied nations, NECS gains awareness and contributes to the creation of a comprehensive picture of the Defense Sector reforms and capacity building efforts in the region, thereby making NATO collaboration more accurate and efficient.

Horizon Scanning and Foresight Analysis Section (HS & FAS)

The HS & FA Section are solely focused on forecasting threats, risks and other potentialities for the NSD-S Hub. By employing an augmented analytics platform, the Section can use a combination of technology (i.e. AI informed) and expert human analysis that delivers actionable insights for the Hub powered by operational intelligence. Initiated in February 2024, we can identify trends in threat data, predict and detect disruptive events, filter data for analysis and action, monitor regional and in-country stability, forecast global geopolitical risk and in-turn provide insight for critical decisions. We strive to uncover patterns of instability or shifting sentiments that could impact NATO interests in the Middle-East, North Africa and the Sahel. The Section have access to a global network of geopolitical analysts who use their localised knowledge to verify events on the ground, while our partnership with the Seerist platform provides us access to robust expertise, analysis and insights to use all of this critical information strategically.