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New Technology is advancing human welfare but it is not without risk. Webinar on Emergent and Disruptive Technologies in MENA.

Africa, Middle East - Security & Conflict, Technology & Innovation - Format: Video - Date: Jan, 2021 - Pages: - - Copyright: NATO Strategic Direction South HUB - Tags: Cybersecurity, Emerging Disruptive Technologies (EDT), MENA

Webinar by Allied Command Transformation (ACT) & NATO Strategic Direction-South Hub (NSD-S HUB)

Technological innovation and digital transformations brought the possibility of improving and change significantly the human condition in a short lap of time. It is expected that the near future will be marked by learning machines, artificial intelligence, edited genomes, autonomous systems , virtual stateless currencies, and private space travel. All this represents an incredible potential for human welfare. Nevertheless, these emergent and disruptive technologies represent also enormous challenges as well to nations and individuals.

Video Length: 23 Minutes 


In 2016 NATO has committed itself to better understand these technologies and to assess their applicability in the military domain and to implement them through innovative solutions.

Through the Framework for the South, NATO works in cooperation with African and Middle Eastern countries to help to enhance regional security and stability. From within this cooperative frame NATO wants to enhance the shared understanding on how emergent and disruptive technologies shape the security agenda in the South. Therefore, ACT and the NSD-HUB are co-organising a webinar on this topic to bring together experts and practitioners to explore and debate these common challenges and their implications in security.

SACT has the intent to further lead the military transformation of alliance forces and capabilities. The NSD-S HUB is committed to connect, consult, and coordinate with the South. The ambition to enhance Stability in the South is a long-term commitment; the impact of digital transformation will keep unfolding.

We hope that this will be remembered in the future as the starting point of very fruitful cooperation between NATO and the South regarding not only, but also, to EDT.