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Technology & Innovation

As with the rest of the world, the rapid evolution of technology has pervasive effects in Middle-Eastern and African societies. This section covers developments in emerging disruptive technologies (EDTs), their transformative impact and how they influence the regions' security landscape, actors and dynamics.

20 November 2023 at 15:37 | Transnational

Artificial Intelligence: The Geopolitical & Security Implications

This fourth episode in our Southern Talks series is focused on the highly complex and timely topic of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence: The Geopolitical & Security Implications


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  Weekly readings

Reading of the Week: Artificial Intelligence, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament: A Compendium on the State of the Art

[ © Cluster for Natural and Technical Science Arms Control Research ]

 Defence organizations are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI) for achieving tactical and strategic advantages over their adversaries. The growing sophistication of AI technologies has accelerated their adoption for a number of tasks and functions, allowing different stakeholders to plan and accommodate their respective military operations.  

Solar Power And Environmental Peacebuilding In South-Central Somalia

[ © Stockholm International Peace Research Institute ]

 In Somalia, widespread energy poverty and a heavy reliance on conventional energy sources are deeply linked to ongoing conflict dynamics. Dependence on firewood and charcoal worsens environmental degradation and intensifies competition over natural resources