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  Weekly readings

Missing in Action Women in Iraq's Security Forces

[ © Center for Civilians in Conflict ]

 Security forces in Federal Iraq and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), including the military and police units, fail to accurately and equally represent all Iraqi people or their protection needs due to an under-representation of female officers. While women comprise nearly half of the Iraqi population, only 25.2 percent of the parliament is female, and CIVIC found that there are few women in positions of meaningful power or decision-making ability within the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) or Peshmerga.  

Crise Bancaire Libanaise : Les Rouages Systemiques d un Naufrage

[ © IFRI ]

 Two and a half years after the outbreak of an unprecedented banking, monetary and debt crisis qualified by the World Bank as one of the worst financial meltdowns since 1850, fears of intermittent or cascading bank failures are high in Lebanon, as the fate of billions of dollars in deposits remains uncertain. Currently losing all its legitimacy on the national and international scenes, the political class continues to cling to power without ever reforming the confessional and clientelist system that caused the Lebanese collapse.  

Farm-Level Production Diversity and Child and Adolescent Nutrition in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: a Multicountry, Longitudinal Study

[ © The Lancet ]

 Child malnutrition remains widespread in sub-Saharan Africa, especially in rural areas where many households are involved in subsistence farming. Increasing farm-level production diversity (FPD) is often considered a useful strategy to improve child diets and nutrition, but the empirical evidence is mixed. Most studies have investigated associations between FPD and dietary diversity. We therefore aimed to analyse associations between FPD and child and adolescent nutritional status.  

Food Safety in Africa

[ © World Bank Group ]

 The future of the food system is critical to the long-term well-being of Africa and its people. An abundance and variety of safe and nutritious food, which too many Africans still lack, is the foundation for good health and cognitive development. And as African leaders have recognized, agriculture and value added food manufacturing can lead Africa's economic growth by providing jobs while meeting growing food demand in the region and the world.  

Report of the High Level Ministerial Meeting Partnerships to Accelerate COVID-19 Vaccination in Africa

[ © African Union ]

 At the February 2022 Assembly of AU Heads of State and Government (HoSG) Summit, the HoSG committed to exercise leadership to advance the vaccination agenda and urge the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) to ensure greater coordination and collaboration to support Member States in achieving the goal of vaccinating at least 70% of the continent's population by year 2022.  

The Future of Marine Fisheries in the African Blue Economy

[ © afdb ]

 The marine fish supply is increasing but the current positive growth is at a rate that cannot match the increasing population's per capita consumption demands.  

Iraq: Implementing a way forward

[ © Atlantic Council ]

 This report presents findings and recommendations intended to assist the government of Iraq and its international partners in improving political, social, economic, and security conditions in order to enhance national stability, stabilize Iraq's democratic processes, and promote broad-based, Iraqi-generated economic growth.  

Network Intelligence Report: Special Supply Chain Issue

[ © Risk Assitance Network + Exchange (RANE) ]

 RANE's Network Intelligence Report seeks to highlight key areas of risk and opportunity relevant, including issues related to safety and security.  

The Potential for Narute Based Solutions Initiatives to Incorporate and Scale Climate Adaptation

[ © World Resources Institute ]

 This paper seeks to understand the potential for existing NBS-centered initiatives to better incorporate climate adaptation, thereby contributing to broader adaptation efforts needed to combat the climate emergency.  

Reading of the Week: FSO Safer: Overview impact assessment

[ © ACAPS ]

 This update builds upon and refines the methodology of the ACAPS FSO Safer assessment from April 2021 (ACAPS 07/04/2021).  

READING OF THE WEEK: SO Safer: Overview impact assessment

[ © ACAPS ]

 FSO Safer is a vessel that was used to store and export oil from Yemen's inland oil fields around Marib. In 2015, the vessel fell under the control of the DFA.