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  Weekly readings

Gulf Net-Zero Pledges in a Challenging Global Energy Security Environment

[ © The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington (AGSIW) ]

 Fossil fuels will continue to play an important role in the energy mix of many industrialized countries throughout the next several decades, despite the warnings from climate scientists. Carbon neutrality therefore must be an objective that transcends national boundaries, and governments and energy companies need to transparently communicate how they are adapting their climate agendas. Gulf states will have to reconcile their plans for increasing oil and gas production and investments in fossil fuels with their ambitious climate targets.  

Global Impact of War in Ukraine on Food, Energy and Finance Systems

[ © UNCTAD ]

 On 14 March 2022, UN Secretary-General António Guterres announced the establishment of a Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy and Finance (GCRG) to coordinate the global response to the widespread impacts of the war in Ukraine. Many countries from all the continents will have to face challenges of food security, energy and financing. This brief is the result of the coordinated work of the Global Crisis Response Task Team, reporting to the Steering Committee of the GCRG.  

Challenging the Europe Africa Partnership on Healthcare: Redressing the Balance

[ © Brussels International Center (BIC) ]

 The Brussels International Center organized a webinar event “Healthcare and Politics in the Europe-Africa Partnership: Improving Policy and Discourse” that brought together policy makers, practitioners, advisors, and NGOs together to discuss some of the key obstacles facing better Europe Africa trans-continental policy and practice while implementing healthcare strategies in African countries.  

Views A Renewed Call for Indigenous-Led Conflict Resolution in the Arab States

[ © Rowaq Arabi ]

 Much has been said about the ‘local turn’ in peace-building, but the role of diaspora actors in driving conflict resolution efforts remains inadequately examined. How do diaspora actors drive conflict resolution efforts, particularly in the Arab region, where armed conflict persists? This article presents a renewed call for ‘indigenous-led’ conflict resolution, especially following the surge in diaspora numbers with people fleeing war and authoritarian repression over the last decade.  

A Gateway to Africa? Economic Opportunities in Israel-Morocco Relations

[ © Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) ]

 Since renewing diplomatic relations between Jerusalem and Rabat, the scope of trade indeed has grown between the two countries, but the full potential still has not been realized. How can the economic cooperation be improved, which also entails many policy opportunities for both Israel and Morocco?  

Republic of Liberia Migration Governance Indicators

[ © International Organization for Migration (IOM) ]

 This Migration Governance Indicators (MGI) pro?le presents a summary of well-developed areas of migration governance in Liberia as well as areas with potential for further development, as assessed through the MGI. The MGI is a standard set of approximately 90 indicators to assist countries in assessing their migration policies and advance the conversation on what well-governed migration might look like in practice.  

Easing the Turmoil in the Eastern DR Congo and Great Lakes

[ © International Crisis Group (ICG) ]

 Fighting in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo is intensifying, with Ugandan and Burundian soldiers in pursuit of rebels and Congolese insurgents on the rebound. With help from its allies, Kinshasa should step up diplomacy lest the country become a regional battleground once more. President Félix Tshisekedi has allowed Uganda to deploy troops to fight rebels based in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and is tacitly permitting Burundi do to the same. Rwanda appears to be considering its own incursion in the area. Meanwhile, a Congolese armed group, the M23, is regrouping.  

Mining and Illicit Trading of Coltan in the Democratic Republic of Congo

[ © Enhancing Africa's Response to Transnational Organised Crime (ENACT) ]

 Mining and the illicit trade in minerals have long been the source of social and environmental upheaval in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and coltan, a mineral essential to modern electronics, has become a particular focus of criminal networks. This study reveals a network of organised crime involved in the production and supply chain of coltan, and its connections to legitimate businesses in advanced economies. It raises awareness of the implications of this illicit trade and suggests multi-stakeholder interventions to prevent criminal networks from operating in the Great Lakes Region.  

Reading of the WeeK: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems

[ © Chatham House ]

  Modern methods of food production are increasingly recognized as a major contributor to global warming, air and water pollution, deforestation, biodiversity loss, soil degradation and the emergence of disease. This paper seeks to clarify the debate around sustainability in agriculture by examining two distinct versions of sustainability. Each is discussed in terms of its clearly defined underpinning assumptions, including the key question of whether large-scale changes in demand towards healthier, less wasteful and more sustainable diets are possible.  

Innovation Trends in Electrolysers for Hydrogen Production

[ © IRENA ]

 Electrolysis of water, using renewable electricity, is the sustainable option to produce green hydrogen as an attractive low-carbon energy carrier. To respond to the growing demand for renewables-based hydrogen, an extraordinary expansion of the market for electrolysers is needed linked to a significant capacity increase in the manufacture and deployment of electrolysers. A rapid reduction in electrolyser system costs is essential and technology innovation is crucial to this end.  

Review of UN Peace Operations Support to Security Sector Refor

[ © Clingendael ]

 This report offers an independent review of the extent to which the impressive development of Security Sector Reform (SSR) policy at the United Nations over the past 15 years has shaped SSR interventions supported by peacekeeping operations. The review identifies serious deficiencies in mandates, strategy, organization, implementation and learning in United Nations mission practices regarding SSR. It suggests that the transmission of policy into practice requires substantial improvement.  

Balancing the Three Pillars of the NPT: How can Promoting Peaceful Uses Help?

[ © SIPRI ]

 This paper argues that peaceful uses of science, technology and applications have an important role to play in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Noting that the European Union (EU) is the biggest donor of development assistance, the paper suggests that the EU enhance its contribution to peaceful uses of nuclear science, technology and applications through supporting the IAEA's technical cooperation activities. This will contribute to delivering the EU's non proliferation goals, thus strengthening global human security.