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  Weekly readings

The Situation in Mali - MINUSMA

[ © United Nations Security Council ]

  Recalling all its previous resolutions, statements of its President and press statements on the situation in Mali, Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Mali, emphasizing that the Malian authorities have primary responsibility for the provision of stability, security and protection of civilians throughout the territory of Mali, urging the Malian authorities to uphold their efforts to meet their obligations in that regard, and expressing great concern at the violent and unilateral actions taken by non-State actors hampering the return of State authority and basic social services.  

Reading of the Week: How to Partner with Feminist Movements for Transformative Change 

[ © One Day International (ODI) ]

 This ODI Policy brief is intended to help those working towards gender equality to better meet the aspirations and needs of those they aim to support. It departs from a growing base of evidence that those who seek to advance gender justice will accelerate progress when they intentionally channel resources to feminist social movements – one of the most important historical drivers of change.  

Enhancing the Transparency and Accountability of Climate Reporting under the Paris Agreement

[ © ]

 At COP26 in Glasgow in 2021 the Paris Rulebook was finalized. The rulebook provides practical guidance on implementing the Paris Agreement, which includes guidance on transparency and reporting on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) through an Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF). NDCs communicate each country’s national commitments to climate change and are submitted to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) every five years. The ETF will ensure that countries report on their NDC implementation through the standardized submission and review of biennial transparency reports. With the final due date for the first such submissions set for 2024, NDC reporting and transparency are at the forefront of national and international climate action.  

Counterterrorism and Violence Prevention Safeguarding Against the Misuse and Abuse of Artificial Intelligence

[ © Global Center of Cooperative Security ]

 Rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning present both challenges and opportunities for terrorism and counterterrorism efforts. Violent extremists and other hostile actors can increasingly exploit emerging AI technologies to sow disinformation and exacerbate polarization, target humans and their information systems, manipulate data sets, and attack critical infrastructure.  

Implications of Food Systems for Food Security: The case of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

[ © Policy Center for the New South ]

 Oil dominates Nigeria’s economy- “Africa’s Giant”. Oil revenues are both a blessing and a curse: a blessing because they are the single most important contributor to government revenues; a curse because, through the Dutch Disease, they undermine the productivity and competitiveness of other non-oil sectors, primarily agriculture and agri-pcrocessing; and manufacturing, two major sources of non-oil employment and incomes.  

United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

[ © United Nations Security Council ]

 The present report, submitted pursuant to paragraph 55 of Security Council resolution 2612 (2021), covers developments in the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 17 March 2022 to 16 June 2022. It describes progress made in the implementation of the mandate of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) since the previous report of 21 March 2022 (S/2022/252), including progress towards the realization of the benchmarks and indicators of the transition plan.  

Emerging Analysis Country Platforms for Climate Action

[ © Overseas Development Institute (ODI) ]

 Among the many initiatives announced as part of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in 2021, few generated as much interest as the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) between South Africa and a handful of Group of Seven (G7) members. Through this deal, the international community committed around US$8.5 billion to support the Government of South Africa to decarbonize its energy sector, which is dominated by coal and weighed down by a debt-laden state power company – Eskom.  

Improving the Palestinian Authoritys Fiscal Outlook

[ © The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) ]

 This article proposes a relatively simple policy to help the Palestinian Authority improve its dismal fiscal situation: tax Palestinians who work in Israel and in the Israeli settlements by attaching a fixed price to entry permits, instead of taxing Them according to the Israeli/Jordanian tax code. The PA should receive all revenues from this tax. This policy would shift the regulation of the number of Palestinian workers away from an exogenously determined quota to a system that takes into account the supply and demand of Palestinian workers in Israel.  

Conclusions on children and armed conflict in Yemen

[ © United Nations Security Council ]

 At its 95th meeting, on 29 September 2021, the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict of the Security Council examined the fifth report of the Secretary General on children and armed conflict in Yemen (S/2021/761), covering the period from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2020, which was introduced by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.  

Situation in South Sudan Report of the Secretary General

[ © United Nations Security Council ]

 The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2625 (2022), by which the Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) to 15 March 2023 and requested the Secretary-General to report on the implementation of the Mission’s mandate every 90 days. The report covers political and security developments, the humanitarian and human rights situation and progress towards the implementation of the Mission’s mandate since the previous report, dated 25 February 2022(S/2022/156).  

Kenyas 2022 Election: High Stakes

[ © International Crisis Group ]

 Kenyan elections are often high-stakes affairs, with the politicians concerned eager to protect both their careers and their significant business interests. While social tensions are now at a low ebb, in past elections, claims of electoral malfeasance have triggered violence that killed hundreds and displaced tens of thousands.  

Algeria Morocco Tunisia: A Comparative Perspective on Maghreb Countries Migration Cooperation with their West African Neighbours

[ © Euromesco ]

 This Joint Policy Study is structured in four chapters. The first chapter analyses national and regional policy frameworks in place, looking at three Maghreb countries: Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. The second chapter examines the regional and trans-regional relevance of West African diaspora policies. The third chapter assesses the Algeria-Niger bilateral cooperation in the light of the EU borders’ externalization process and the last chapter analyses the role of civil society organizations in the policymaking consultations in the Maghreb.