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  Weekly readings

Amending the South Sudans Revitalized Peace Agreement: The Implications of the Extension and its Roadmap

[ © The Sudd Institute ]

 This Weekly Review discusses the implications of this extension and its proposed Roadmap. We argue that the government’s extension meets the first stage but fails short in the case of the last two for a valid amendment to be attained. We, however, contend that the Revitalized Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission’s (RJMEC) consent is only procedural, so skipping it does not render the changes invalid provided the parliament finally ratifies them.  

Reading Of The Week: Barriers to Young Womens Employment in the Future World of Work in Ghana & Senegal

[ © African Center for Economical Transformation ]

 Two studies of young women’s employment challenges in Ghana and Senegal conducted by ACET in 2020 map the barriers and enabling factors faced by young women in the world of work across three sectors: agriculture, tourism and hospitality, and business process outsourcing (BPO).  

The Role of Nuclear Energy in the Global Energy Transition

[ © The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies ]

 At present, countries are in the process of re-evaluating and adapting their energy systems to meet various demands on multiple fronts. The global energy transition is occuring in the context of international efforts to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by mid-century.  

Evidence gaps and diversity among potential win win solutions for conservation and human infectious disease control

[ © The Lancet Planetary Health ]

 As sustainable development practitioners have worked to “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all” and “conserve life on land and below water”, what progress has been made with win–win interventions that reduce human infectious disease burdens while advancing conservation goals? Using a systematic literature review, we identified 46 proposed solutions, which we then investigated individually using targeted literature reviews.  

Yemens Truce Has Failed in Taiz

[ © Middle East Institute ]

 On July 23, 2022, the Iran-backed Houthi militia attacked the residential neighborhood of Zaid al-Moshki in Taiz, one of Yemen’s most populous cities, killing one child and injuring 11 others, most of whom were under the age of 10. The attack, which drew U.N. condemnation, was particularly troubling given the U.N.-brokered truce that went into effect on April 2.  

Exploring the Climate-Terror Nexus in the MENA Region

[ © Brussels International Center ]

 For the past two decades, literature has been exploring the interconnection between conflicts and climate change. However, their link is still debated, the latter being commonly identified as a ‘threat multiplier’ on political, security and socioeconomic drivers for intrastate violence. Only a few literatures have yet examined specifically the interactions between climate change and terrorism, and even fewer have been applying them to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) context. Although ambiguous, there is a tangible nexus between the two phenomena, probable to broaden in the future as global warming will continue to increase, which is particularly relevant to explore in the MENA context.  

Safety and Security of Nuclear Facilities and Materials in Africa

[ © The South African Institute of International Affairs ]

 Low-profile nuclear incidents have occurred in Africa over the years, but these have not always been made known to the public at the time. The number of African states interested in nuclear energy is rising, making nuclear safety and security increasingly important considerations. Nuclear accidents are not the only concern; there is also a risk of radioactive material falling into the wrong hands.  

In Kenyas 2022 Elections, Technology and Data Protection Must Go Hand in Hand

[ © Carnegie Endowment for International Peace ]

 Approximately 20 million Kenyans are set to go to the polls to exercise their democratic right in the August 9,2022, general election. As is the case in several countries around the world, technology adoption is regarded in Kenya as an important way of improving the accountability and transparency of electoral processes that have previously been tainted by controversy and mistrust.  

Finding a Path through Quagmire

[ © Central for Strategic and International Studies ]

 The security and humanitarian crisis in the Sahel is staggering into its 10th year. A conflict that began with rebels and allied jihadist groups sweeping out of the desert into northern Mali in 2012 has transformed into a dizzyingly complex cross-border catastrophe hollowing out the heart of West Africa.  

Reading of the Week: The Road to COP27: Making Africas Case in the Global Climate Debate

[ © Mo Ibrahim Foundation ]

 Exactly six months ahead of the UNFCCC COP27 summit hosted by Egypt and immediately following the UNCCD COP15 summit hosted by Côte d’Ivoire, the 25-27 May 2022 Ibrahim Governance Forum aimed to help inform and articulate Africa’s position in the global debate around climate change.  

Global Food Insecurity Due to the War in Ukraine

[ © Netherlands Institute of International Relations ]

 Food prices have reached an all-time high in the Spring and Summer of 2022 because of the war in Ukraine, and farmers around the globe are facing substantially increasing fertilizer prices. These effects are not distributed evenly, with the Middle East, North Africa and the Horn of Africa suffering the most from the fall in grain exports from Ukraine.  

A Transatlantic Energy and Climate Pact Is Now More Necessary Than Ever

[ © Bruegel's Weekly Newsletter ]

 The Russian invasion of Ukraine marks a historical turning point for the European Union’s security and energy policy. Long-held policy tenets are quickly being reversed, and a new European energy map is being redesigned at speed. Amid this unprecedented energy overhaul, the EU and the United States have fl agged their commitment to reinforce their bilateral energy partnership, starting with short-term measures to boost US liquefi ed natural gas (LNG) supplies to Europe to promptly replace part of Russian gas imports.