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  Weekly readings

Reading Of The Week: Responsible Data Governance In Africa Institutional Gaps And Capacity Needs

[ © Centre For The Study Of The Economies In Africa ]

 Africa is quickly becoming the new data frontier in the face of continued increase in the deployment of digital technologies. A proportionate data governance ecosystem is, however, still lacking. The available governance ecosystem is characterised by a lack of relevant institutions or in most cases non-functional institutions for effective data governance implementation.  

Lexploitation forestière illégale en Afrique et ses implications en matière de sécurité

[ © Centre Detudes Strategiques de Lafrique ]

 L’exploitation forestière illégale est une caractéristique croissante de la criminalité transnationale organisée en Afrique, souvent facilitée par la collusion de hauts fonctionnaires, avec des répercussions considérables sur la sécurité et l’environnement des pays concernés.  

Moroccos green mobility revolution: The geo-economic factors driving its rise as an electric vehicle manufacturing hub

[ © Middle East Institute ]

 Rabat’s recent announcement that it would soon sign an agreement for the construction of a “gigafactory” to make electric vehicle (EV) batteries has placed Morocco in pole position to become a green mobility leader in the Middle East and North Africa.  

Implementation of Do No Harm by UN Peacekeepers in South Sudan

[ © Center For Civilians In Conflict ]

 Two years ago, South Sudanese President Salva Kiir, his long-time rival Riek Machar, and other opposition leaders formed a transitional unity government. The formation of the unity government marked a significant step forward in the implementation of the 2018 revitalized peace agreement (R-ARCSS), which sought to end a brutal five-year civil war that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths. Despite this progress, the situation in South Sudan remains dire and unstable: civilians continue to face high levels of violence in some parts of the country; a projected 60 percent of people in South Sudan will face acute food insecurity in 2022  

Reading Of The Week: NATO and Climate Change A Climatized Perspective on Security

[ © Harvard Kennedy School ]

 NATO must prepare for climate change impacts in order to effectively preserve peace and security in the Euro-Atlantic region. The Alliance does not need to transform under the climate lens; it has substantive assets and capabilities, together with consultation and decision-making mechanisms, to lead the Allies as they confront climate disruptions, a security environment of climate-related instability, and new geostrategic competition.  

What is Environmental Degradation, What Are Its Causes, and How to Respond?

[ © Institute of Development Studies ]

 This short paper explores the question: what is environmental degradation and what are its causes? It seems an obvious question, but it is not. The paper explores definitions of environmental degradation (and restoration), challenging simplistic perspectives centred on ‘carrying capacity’. Five explanations of the root causes of environmental degradation widely applied in policy debates and promoted by different actors are identified.  

Horrible day for dinosaurs: Small asteroid hit off coast of Guinea, 66 million years ago

[ © France24 ]

 Scientists recently discovered a crater off the coast of Guinea. While it was not as impactful as the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs 66 million years ago, its regional consequences would have been huge.  

The Language of the People of Bashiqa: A Vehicle of their Intangible Cultural Heritage

[ © Institute of Development Studies ]

 The current study is an attempt to provide a linguistic, a historical, as well as a sociocultural record of the language variety spoken in Bashiqa (Northern Iraq) by one of the communities which represents a religious minority in Iraq known as Yazidis. This language is an example of an under-researched language diversity. This research draws on a sample of eleven in-depth semi-structured interviews with Yezidi men and women from Bashiqa, Iraq.  

Radical Secularism and Worldview Dilemmas in Countering Sectarianism in Lebanon

[ © Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier ]

 This article investigates this question by focusing on the relation between religion and politics in Lebanon. The Lebanese democracy is embedded in the consociational constitution, which distributes executive power and parliamentary representation based on the size of the nation's 18 publicly recognized confessional communities (Henley 2016).  

How Has the Invasion of Ukraine Reshaped Russias Influence in the Middle East?

[ © The Arab Gulf States Institute In Washington ]

 The University of Haifa, and the National Security Studies Center hosted a discussion examining Gulf-Russia relations since Russia's invasion of Ukraine.  

Developments in Africas Free Trade Area: Opportunities for Korean Investors

[ © The South African Institute of International Affairs ]

 Korea’s export trade with Africa declined during the 2010s, although growth in its shipping, locomotive and automotive exports in the early 2020s has been encouraging.  

Challenges and Opportunities for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in the COVID-19 Response in Africa

[ © Africa CDC ]

 This research aimed to assess the extent to which mental health and psycho-social support (MHPSS) was included in the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic in African countries, and explore barriers and enablers to MHPSS integration into the COVID-19 response. A mixed-methods study, using an online survey and in-depth interviews, was conducted. Participants included Mental Health Focal Points at the Ministries of Health, the World Health Organization (WHO) country and regional offices, and civil society representatives