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  Weekly readings

Reading of the Week: Promoting Innovation and Digital Transformation in the Infrastructure Technology in Africa

[ © African Center for Economic Transformation ]

 Increased connectivity and the use of digital technology are unlocking innovative business models for trade and economic activities on the African continent. Yet, the real potential for large-scale job creation and inclusive growth lies in the diffusion of digital innovations from the lead firms to the rest of the economy. Social gaps in the use of digital services and spatial inequalities in digital infrastructure development are limiting this potential.  

Report of the Secretary-General: The Situation in South Sudan

[ © United Nations ]

 The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2625 (2022), by which the Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) to 15 March 2023 and requested the Secretary-General to report on the implementation of the Mission’s mandate every 90 days. The report covers political and security developments, the humanitarian and human rights situation and progress towards the implementation of the Mission’s mandate between 1 June and 31 August 2022.  

A comparative analysis of electric utilities in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda

[ © Africa Energy Portal ]

 Public utilities in most African countries have failed to deliver adequate, reliable, and competitively priced electricity to support economic growth and improve the welfare of their populations. Despite more than two decades of power sector reforms, outcomes have been varied and often disappointing. A comparative case study analysis of electric utilities in three East African countries (Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda) explores the drivers of utility performance.  

Climate Change Vulnerability and Currency Returns

[ © Financial Analyst Journal ]

 Climate change causes changes in the physical environment, such as increased frequency and intensity of hurricanes or heatwaves, sea level rise and variability in rainfall and temperature patterns (IPCC 2020). In turn, these physical impacts could affect investments, accumulation of human capital and economic growth  

Global trade of hydrogen: what is the best way to transfer hydrogen over long distances?

[ © The Oxford Institute For Energy Studies ]

 As a manufactured fuel, hydrogen can be produced in a decentralized way in most countries around the world. This means, even in a net zero economy, the global trade of hydrogen could look quite different to the current international trade in fossil fuels, including natural gas. With further declines in the costs of renewable electricity and electrolyzers, regions which have lower cost renewable electricity may develop an economic advantage in the production of low-cost hydrogen, but for hydrogen to become a globally traded commodity, the cost of imports needs to be lower than the cost of domestic production. Unlike oil or natural gas, transporting hydrogen over long distances is not an easy task.  

Reading of the Week: Gold and the goddess, How mining polluted Nigerias sacred Osun river

[ © Al Jazeera ]

 Ilesha, Nigeria - In his early twenties, Simeon Abolarinwa did the grown-up thing of making a curriculum vitae for the first time. At the bottom of the document, he listed his hobbies: hunting, hiking and fishing. Unlike many of his peers doing the same to fill space or boost their profiles, these were actually his hobbies.  

Resolution 9116 (2022), Security Council: The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question

[ © United Nations ]

 The ceasefire prevented the situation from escalating into a full-scale war, which would have had devastating consequences. It also allowed for the resumption of the measures implemented over the past year that have resulted in much-needed economic relief to the people in Gaza. But a ceasefire is limited to ending immediate hostilities; the underlying drivers of the conflict are still unresolved  

One Year On: Iran Since President Raisi

[ © Al Jazeera ]

 It has been a year since President Ebrahim Raisi assumed power in Iran. This has been perhaps one of the most tense and uncertain years an Iranian president has encountered since the establishment of the revolutionary regime in 1979. Major challenges were inherited by Raisi upon assuming office; and these were not outcomes of his administration’s policies nor could they be avoided or resolved quickly.  

Time to Reboot: A Blueprint for the Palestinian Tech Sector

[ © Belfer Center ]

 Despite Israeli occupation and systemic governance challenges, the Palestinian economy faces a unique opportunity to build a thriving technology ecosystem. The current model of global philanthropy-driven tech development in the West Bank, however, is not working. Without a reboot, no progress is likely to be made.  

Revitalizing the negotiation of contentious political issues in Somalia

[ © Rift Valley Institute ]

 Over the past decade, significant progress has been made in Somalia’s post-conflict trajectory, including the formation of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) in 2012 following the endorsement of the Provisional Federal Constitution. Federal Member States (FMSs) were formed from 2013 onwards and a range of significant institutional reforms have followed.  

Policies for resilience and economic transformation in Africa: setting the agenda for a post-COVID-19 era

[ © African Center for Economic Transformation ]

 The research found that even during periods of high economic growth, most African countries failed to transform – exhibiting limited improvements in the economic diversification of production and exports, export competitiveness, and productivity and technological upgrading, putting at risk the steady progress on improved human economic well-being. Countries that do not transform are less resilient, meaning they are unable to withstand shocks and to quickly and strongly recover when negatively impacted, which can reverse progress on human economic well-being.  

Le rôle de la Cedeao dans la gestion des crises politiques et sécuritaires internes de ses États membres

[ © Policy Brief ]

 La relation entre l’Organisation de l’union africaine (Oua), aujourd’hui Union africaine (UA), et les Communautés économiques régionales (Cer) a considérablement évolué à travers le temps. Devant le manque d’effectivité de l’Architecture de paix et de sécurité sur le continent, les différents pays ont tenté de définir leurs propres cadres d’action face aux menaces. Lors de la mise en place de l’Oua en 1963, les différents ensembles régionaux sont d’ores et déjà constitués. En 1976, les premières tentatives de coopération entre les organisations régionales et l’organisation continentale sont lancées à travers l’instauration d’un découpage régional.