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  Weekly readings

Is Restoring the Iran Nuclear Deal Still Possible?

[ © International Crisis Group ]

 Since April 2021, parties to the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or Iran nuclear deal, have sought to revive the agreement abandoned by U.S. President Donald Trump. Negotiations between Iran and its interlocutors – the U.S., France, the UK, Russia, China and Germany, coordinated by the EU – made progress over eight rounds in Vienna. By March 2022, they had yielded a close to final text.  

Chaos in the Palestinian Authority: From Counter-Terrorism to Reconstruction

[ © The Institute for National Security Studies ]

 Recent months have seen a steep rise in the use of live fire in the Palestinian cities in the West Bank against IDF forces, as well as in the number of shooting incidents and other attacks. Behind the shootings are primarily young Palestinians, including Fatah operatives, and this phenomenon reflects the chaos within the Palestinian Authority. The Israeli security response, which focuses on counter-terrorism and widespread arrests of suspects, generates a self-sustaining cycle of escalation and heightens the motivation among young Palestinians to enlist in the fight against the Israeli security forces.  

Muqtada al-Sadr and the Struggle for Religious Authority

[ © Carnegie Middle East Center ]

 On August 29, 2022, Qom-based Grand Ayatollah Kazem Husseini al-Haaeri announced his resignation as a marjaa taqlid, a religious authority and source of emulation in the Shia community. He encouraged his emulators (muqallidin) to switch their allegiance to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He also used his address to launch a scathing attack against Muqtada al-Sadr, the populist cleric and leader of Iraq’s Sadrist movement.  

Reckless Abandon: Why Tunisia Can No Longer Delay a Border Free Trade Zone

[ © Carnegie Middle East Center ]

 In 2012, Tunisia announced the establishment of a free trade and logistics zone (FTZ) in Ben Guerdane, near the Libyan border. The aim is to develop marginalized southeastern border regions and formalize informal economic actors. However, the plan has stalled due to institutional resistance, political divisions, and an incapacity to exploit international geopolitical rivalries. If this persists, the project may become irrelevant because of emerging FTZs in Libya, denying Tunisia revenues its ailing economy needs.  

Situation in the Sudan and the activities of the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in the Sudan

[ © United Nations ]

 The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2636 (2022), by which the Council decided to extend the mandate of the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in the Sudan (UNITAMS) until 3 June 2023 and requested the Secretary-General to report every 90 days on its implementation. The report covers developments in the Sudan from 6 May to 20 August 2022 and contains an update on the implementation of the Mission’s mandate, with gender considerations integrated throughout as a cross-cutting issue.  

Africas Nuclear Future: Increasing the Participation of Women and Youth

[ © The South-African Institute of International Affairs ]

 Nuclear science and technology are expected to play an increasingly important role in Africa in the near future. Nuclear power, nuclear medicine, nuclear applications in agriculture and nuclear research are all expected to enhance development.  

Alternative Battery Chemistries and Diversifying Clean Energy Supply Chains

[ © Global Energy Center ]

 The energy transition from fossil fuels to low-carbon energy sources will stimulate great demand for energy storage. Batteries that can enable the clean electrification of light-duty transport and reduce the intermittency of renewable power on the grid will be a prerequisite for global decarbonization efforts. It is therefore vital that such technologies be deployed at a scale sufficient to meet the growing energy storage needs of the transition.  

Gender in Transboundary Water Policies

[ © Clingendael ]

 By looking into five large transboundary river basins, this chapter analyses the extent to which programmers and policies highlight and address gender equality in transboundary water governance, and whether they are effectively implemented or remain a lip service paid with limited impact. It shows that gender at the transboundary level remains either neglected or that “checking the gender box” prevails over genuinely addressing the complexity of the gender dimension.  

The Blue Economy in the Mediterranean Region and Opportunities for the Algae Industry

[ © Istituto Affari Internazionali ]

 The blue economy is a complex multi-theme and multi-layer conceptual paradigm according to which marine spaces are considered as spaces with great potential for sustainable development and socio-economic prosperity. This is particularly true for the Mediterranean where, since ancient times, marine and maritime activities have played a key role in the well-being of coastal countries and communities.  

Report of the Secretary-General: The Situation in Middle East

[ © United Nations ]

 The present report is submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 76/11. In that resolution, which deals with the Syrian Golan, the Assembly demanded once more that Israel withdraw from all of the occupied Syrian Golan to the line of 4 June 1967 in implementation of the relevant Security Council resolution.  

Difficulties in the Negotiations with Iran: Implications for Israel

[ © Institute for National Security studies ]

 The negotiations between the United States and Iran on renewing the nuclear agreement have run into serious difficulties following the opposition by the United States and the European partners to Iran's demand that the IAEA close the open files on the Iranian nuclear program before the implementation of the agreement (120 days after signing). At the same time, Iran continues to accelerate the program, including the enrichment of uranium using cascades of advanced centrifuges.  

A new social contract for post-conflict Middle East and North Africa

[ © Economic Research Forum ]

 The civil wars in Libya, Syria and Yemen arose from the Arab Spring that, in turn, was triggered by a broken social contract. In the old social contract, the state would provide free health and education, subsidized food and fuel, and jobs in the public sector, in return for which citizens would keep their voices low, despite widespread cronyism and corruption.