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  Weekly readings

The unresolved aspects of the Revitalised Peace Agreement and their implications on constitution-making in South Sudan

[ © The Sudd Institute ]

 This Review identifies and discusses certain unresolved aspects of the Revitalised Peace Agreement which are likely to derail the constitutional design process. The aim is to show their implications and potential impacts on constitution-making process. The Review urges parties to the Agreement, policy analysts, and researchers to be seized with these key aspects prior to the commencement of constitution-making.  

Mitigating Africas Food Crisis, Increased Russian Grain Exports: Can African Leaders Prioritize and Address Food Security Challenges?

[ © Global Research ]

 Global food security, especially in Africa, has been in the media publications these past few months. While a few outspoken African leaders shifted blames to Russia-Ukraine crisis, others focus on spending state budget to import food to calm rising discontent among the population. Some experts and international organizations have also expressed the fact that African leaders have to adopt import substitution mechanisms and use their financial resources on strengthening agricultural production systems.  

Multilateralism Index: Pilot Report

[ © International Peace Institute ]

 The Multilateralism Index (MI) is the first known attempt to quantifiably assess the state of the multilateral system. It focuses on developments in the multilateral system over the past decade across five domains: Peace and Security, Human Rights, Environment, Public Health, and Trade. The domains are evaluated across a total of sixty-five indicators covering three dimensions: Participation, Performance, and Inclusivity.  

Greenhouse Gas Emissions from LNG Trade: From carbon neutral to GHG verified

[ © The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies ]

 When reports of carbon-neutral LNG cargos began in 2019, public attention was drawn for the first time to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions specifically from LNG trade. The concept of the transaction is that equivalent emissions from an LNG cargo are offset by the purchase of credits in the voluntary carbon market from a recognized registry. It should therefore involve two principal elements: the estimation and/or measurement of emissions from the cargo, and the purchase of an equivalent offset.  

The Future of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament Is in Danger

[ © Council on Foreign Relations ]

 After a month of negotiations, the tenth review conference (RevCon) of the parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of nuclear weapons (NPT)concluded on August 26 without a consensus final document, raising concerns about weakening efforts to promote nuclear nonproliferation, disarmament, and the peaceful use of nuclear energy. It also marked the first time two consecutive RevCons have failed to produce such a document.  

A Procedural Guide to Palestinian Succession: The How of the Who

[ © Carnegie Endowment for International Peace ]

 Gossip about Palestinian succession—who will take over Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas’s assorted job titles—is a staple of speculation among journalists, diplomats, and some Palestinians. Over the last year, the conversation has seemed to take a less speculative turn as a variety of longtime national leaders have been edged aside or have publicly broken with Abbas, the 87-year-old leader who serves as president of Palestine, president of the Palestinian National Authority, chair of the Executive Committee of the ruling Fatah movement, and chair of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organization.  

The Houthis War and Yemens Future

[ © Middle East Institute ]

 Sept. 21, 2022, marked the eighth anniversary of the Houthis’ takeover of Sana’a, Yemen’s capital, under the pretext of fighting corruption and poverty. But what initially was presented as a struggle against injustice ended up being nothing more than a power grab masquerading as a rebellion. Since 2014, most of northern Yemen has become isolated after the Houthis alienated their opponents and executed their one-time ally, former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, shattering trust in the possibility of future alliances with their movement.  

Reading of the Week: Progress Report - Transforming the G5 Sahel countries from Fragility to Resilience in the Energy Sector

[ © African Development Bank Group ]

 Creating the foundation for transforming the G5 Sahel countries from power fragility to power resilience by establishing sustainable and widespread energy supplies aptly summarizes the objectives of 2021 for the Desert to Power (DtP) Initiative. In this second year of the Initiative, the focus of the African Development Bank and its partners has been to support the G5 Sahel countries to identify and prepare priority projects; a difficult task while also negotiating the challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic and continued socio-political instability.  

Grim outlook for Guinea-Bissau elections: The fall and rise of Seidi Ba

[ © Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime ]

 The surprise conviction in 2020 of businessman Braima Seidi Bá, arguably Guinea-Bissau’s most prominent cocaine trafficking kingpin according to law enforcement investigations, was heralded by the international community as a turning point in the West African state’s response to the cocaine economy, which had become in some respects all too synonymous with the country for several years.  

Défis et enjeux du plan de retrait de la MONUSCO

[ © Observatoire Boutros-Ghali ]

 La plus grande mission onusienne jamais déployée, la Mission de l’Organisation des Nations unies pour la stabilisation en République démocratique du Congo (MONUSCO) est actuellement dans un processus de retrait. Les détails des modalités de ce retrait, son calendrier précis et la nature exacte de ce qui prendra place ensuite font encore l’objet de nombreux échanges dont la teneur est bien entendu influencée en temps réel par la situation sur le terrain, dans l’Est de la RDC, autant que par l’évolution de la situation politique à Kinshasa à l’approche des élections prévues en 2023.  

How Project Finance Can Advance the Clean Energy Transition in Developing Countries

[ © The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies ]

 The world climate imperative requires a substantial increase in clean energy investments across middle and low-income countries (“MLICs”), where energy demand growth and limited financial resources compound the problem. It is a particular challenge for these countries because of the scale and nature of the investment needed, particularly in power and other infrastructure projects.  

Food insecurity in the least developed countries: options for a system of stockholding and complementary means at the global, regional and sub regional levels

[ © United Nations ]

 The present report is submitted in response to a request by the General Assembly in the Doha Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries (resolution 76/258). In paragraph 42 of the Programme of Action, the need to address severe food insecurities was recognized, and the Secretary-General was requested to explore the feasibility, effectiveness and administrative modalities of a system of stockholding for the least developed countries on a regional and sub regional basis, or alternative means, taking into account possible economic implications and risks, and to report thereon to the Assembly for its consideration at its seventy-seventh session.