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  Weekly readings

Toward an Environmental and Climate-Sensitive Approach to Protection in UN Peacekeeping Operations

[ © International Peace Institute ]

 Environmental degradation, including degradation caused by climate change, armed conflict, or the illegal exploitation of resources, can be a catalyst for violence against civilians. While addressing environmental degradation goes well beyond the mandates of UN peacekeeping operations, missions are increasingly focusing on climate-related security risks, and several missions have environment and climate-related language in their mandates.  

Reading of the Week: Megalopolis - How coastal west Africa will shape the coming century

[ © The Guardian ]

 It has long been said that no one knows with any certainty the population of Lagos, Nigeria. A decade ago, the United Nations conservatively put the number at 11.5 million, but other estimates ranged as high as 18 million. The one thing everyone agreed was that Lagos was growing very fast. The population was already 40 times bigger than it had been in 1960, when Nigeria gained independence.  

The Pitfalls of Saudi Arabias Security-Centric Strategy in Yemen

[ © Carnegie Middle East Center ]

 Saudi Arabia’s security-oriented approach to Yemen has foundered. The Saudi-led coalition has failed to defeat the Houthis militarily or to restore the government the group toppled. Moreover, Saudi militarization of the border with Yemen has damaged the Yemeni economy with negative consequences for Saudi Arabia. Crucially, Saudi Arabia’s security is contingent on Yemen’s stability and economic prosperity.  

Irans Nuclear Program: Tehrans Compliance with International Obligations

[ © Congressional Research Service ]

 Several U.N. Security Council resolutions adopted between 2006 and 2010 required Iran to cooperate fully with the International Atomic Energy Agency’s investigation of its nuclear activities, suspend its uranium enrichment program, suspend its construction of a heavy water reactor and related projects, and ratify the Additional Protocol to its IAEA safeguards agreement.  

Water Politics. How Sudans Turbulent Transition toward Democracy Has Led It to Compromise Its Own Well-Being over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

[ © Istituto Affari Internazionali ]

 Ever since the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam was conceived in 2011 under Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, Sudan has adopted a pragmatic stance vis-à-vis the dam, playing an integral role in a 2015 Declaration of Principles. Signed in Khartoum, the declaration promised to cooperate in good faith over the dam’s construction while also looking to alleviate concerns in Egypt over its water supply.  

Declining poverty level in Ghana: Exploring the role of migrants remittances

[ © Afro Barometer ]

 Ghana has a long history of citizens migrating to other countries. Many of these migrants send remittances to relations and acquaintances back home, often to help recipients experiencing poverty and a lack of employment and economic opportunities. Empirical studies have established the poverty-alleviation impact of remittances in Africa, including Ghana.  

Reading of the Week: Ensuring that COP27 is Truly an African COP

[ © The South African Institute of International Affairs ]

 The 27th UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP is scheduled to take place in Egypt from 7–18 November 2022. This will be the first time COP is hosted on the African continent since 2016, when Morocco hosted COP22. This year’s COP will address much of the unfinished business of the COP26 Glasgow Climate Summit, convened in November 2021. This includes addressing the potentially negative externalities of climate policies and the need for a just transition, establishing the necessary financial structures to support loss and damage, enhancing adaptation and implementing climate policies.  

Les Ivoiriens sont divisés sur le caractère privé ou pénal de la violence conjugale

[ © Afro Barometer ]

 Selon la Déclaration sur l’Elimination de la Violence à l’Egard des Femmes (Nations Unies, 1994), est considérée comme violence basée sur le genre (VBG) tout acte délétère contre la femme pouvant lui causer des souffrances physiques, sexuelles ou psychologiques. Cette forme de violence menaces la vie, la santé et les capacités sociales et productives de ses victimes (Assa, 2022). Conscient de la gravité du phénomène et de ses conséquences sur les individus ainsi que sur le développement, l’État de Côte d’Ivoire affiche une volonté de plus en plus manifeste pour l’endiguer.  

The Data Divide: How Emerging Technology and its Stakeholders can Influence the Fourth Industrial Revolution

[ © Atlantic Council ]

  Between the late 1960s and mid-2010s, the Third Industrial Revolution brought microprocessors, personal computing, and the Internet that created an ecosystem that exponentially increased communication capabilities throughout the world. Computers went from expensive and hard to use, room-sized mainframe machines to inexpensive personal computers, beginning with the Commodore 64, and leading to handheld personal devices that contain more processing power than all their predecessors combined.  

Options for a Loss and Damage Financial Mechanism

[ © International Peace Institute ]

 As efforts to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change fall short, discussions around loss and damage (L&D) resulting from climate change have gained urgency. These discussions pivot on questions around financing, which remains very limited. Going into the twenty-seventh UN Climate Change Conference (COP27), the call for a new L&D financial mechanism has been raised by developing countries.  

Security Council Letter S/2022/756: Protecting women human rights defenders in conflict

[ © United Nations Security Council ]

 Just as the call for women’s full, equal and meaningful participation has grown louder, and recognition of their role has become more visible, so has the violence that threatens and limits their participation. This violence is targeted precisely at silencing their advocacy and inhibiting women in general from participating in public life. The ascendancy of extremist political actors and the resurgence of military coups and seizures of power by force have made this problem worse.  

The outlook for the Middle East Peace Process: Stuck in a one-state reality, and you cant get out of it

[ © Finnish Institute of International Affairs ]

 Although there is international consensus on the desired outcome of the Middle East Peace Process (MEPP) - namely Israeli-Palestinian talks resulting in a two-state solution - there is no peace, and for years there has been no process either. In the meantime, Israelis still live with the threat of terrorism and rocket attacks, while Palestinians continue living without full rights under what were supposed to be interim arrangements agreed on in the 1990s.