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  Weekly readings

Short of Water and Under Increasing Pressure to Deliver Food Security: Key Policy Considerations the Case of the Arab Republic of Egypt

[ © Police Center for the New South ]

 Climate change threatens to reduce the water flow in the Nile and increase the frequency and severity of droughts and floods in Egypt, which already suffers from water scarcity. This threat is a looming crisis as it seriously undermines the Government of Egypt’s long standing food self-sufficiency approach to food security, an approach which is wasteful of increasingly precious arable land and water resources, while achieving neither more food self-sufficiency nor meaningful food security for the poor and vulnerable.  

Re-thinking approaches to the international constitutional assistance in South Sudan

[ © The Sudd Institute ]

 South Sudan is a country with longstanding history of international assistance. In fact, her hard-won independence was birthed in part through external financial and political backstopping. Certain international actors have since deepened their engagement by supporting constitutional designs dating as far back as 2005.  

Readings of the Week: The Climate Change. Security Interface

[ © Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich ]

 Climate change is increasing the frequency and scope of security challenges. This calls for greater collaboration across formerly often siloed policy fields, as illustrated in the context of climate change adaptation by Swiss Civil Protection and Switzerland’s priorities on the UN Security Council  

Decoding the Achievements and Failures of the Cop27: The Way Forward for More Effective Global Climate Policy

[ © Brussels International Center ]

 In the first two weeks of November 2022, all eyes were riveted on Sharm El-Sheikh. This year, Egypt welcomed world leaders to discuss climate actions at the 27th edition of the Conference of the Parties (COP) between the 6th and the 18th of November. Following the green momentum the world displayed during COP26, with the formulation of more ambitious commitments on finance, coal, carbon neutrality, and deforestation, the objectives of this year were announced loud and clear: “COP27 must be remembered as the ‘Implementation COP’ - the one where we restore the grand bargain that is at the centre of the Paris Agreement”.  

African Biodiversity Loss Raises Risk to Human Security

[ © African Center for Strategic Studies ]

 The African continent (20 percent of the planet’s land) is home to one-quarter of the world’s mammal species and one-fifth of the world’s bird species. At least one-sixth of the world’s plant species are endemic to Africa. The continent also boasts 369 wetlands of international importance. More than 62 percent of Africa’s rural population rely on the continent’s diverse natural ecosystems for their food, water, energy, health, and secure livelihood needs. This biodiversity provides an arsenal of genetic capital beneficial not just to the people living in these ecosystems but to the world.  

Iran, Challenged: Women-Led Protests, Women-Led Responses

[ © Brussels International Center ]

 On Thursday 8 December 2022, the Brussels International Center organised an event at the European Parliament called ‘Iran, Challenged: Women-led Protests, Women-led Responses’, hosted by MEPs Hilde Vautmans and MEP Soraya Rodriguez Ramos. The event discussed the protests in Iran that have erupted since the death of Mahsa Amini, including the level of repression inflicted by the Iranian government. During the discussion, several important aspects were raised regarding how the international community, including the European Union, can better support the demands of protestors. This paper explores those elements in more detail.  

Xi of Arabia - Enjoying the Favor of the King

[ © Institute for National Security Studies ]

 The visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping to Saudi Arabia, which included three summit meetings, moved relations between China and the Arab world at least one step forward. Alongside signed agreements and partnerships agreed on by both sides, the visit had a substantial symbolic side aimed at projecting independence, consolidating Saudi Arabia’s leading status among Arab states, and enabling Mohammed bin Salman to demonstrate his leadership to his people prior to his accession to the throne.  

Africas Women and the Promotion of Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Science and Technology

[ © The South African Institute of International Affairs ]

 Historically, African delegations have the lowest rates of women representation in forums on nuclear disarmament. Excluding women from security and disarmament forums is a drastic oversight and hinders development. Africa will benefit from the inclusion of more women in peace and security dialogues and can also use the peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology to promote women’s rights and their inclusion.  

Africans see unfair distribution of COVID-19-relief assistance, loss of resources to corruption

[ © Afro barometer ]

 The COVID-19 pandemic plunged Africa into its worst recession in more than 50 years, causing a 2.1% drop in Africa’s gross domestic product in 2020 and pushing about 30 million Africans into extreme poverty in 2021. Already grappling with poverty and unemployment, the continent lost about 22 million jobs in 2021 (African Development Bank Group, 2021, 2022). In a bid to slow the spread of the coronavirus, at least 42 African countries enforced restrictions such as lockdowns, curfews, border closures, travel bans, and the suspension of sports and recreational activities, all of which hindered income-generating activities (African Development Bank Group, 2021).  

Reading of the Week: Africa Visa Openness Report 2022

[ © African Development Bank Group ]

 The Africa Visa Openness Index (AVOI) measures the extent to which African countries are open to visitors from other African countries. The index analyzes each country’s visa requirements to show which countries on the continent facilitate travel to their territory. The 2022 Africa Visa Openness Index report shows African countries making progress in their freedom of travel policies, most of which had been severely curtailed by the Covid-19 crisis.  

Towards an Integrated Feminist Perspective in Climate Change Solutions

[ © Brussels International Center ]

 Climate change is more than ever the topic of the hour as governments and citizens across the globe are urged to take collective action to halt its impacts. Women, specifically those from low-income communities in the global South, are climate change’s first victims. Yet, gender-responsive climate solutions are painfully slow to develop. This paper highlights the different ways gender and ecological poverty are interlinked and the lack of representation of women in climate decision-making.  

Future Proofing Africa China Infrastructure Cooperation

[ © The South African Institute of International Affairs ]

 This policy briefing provides a brief multi-sector comparison between African and Southeast Asian experiences of environmental, socioeconomic and governance (ESG) implementation in Chinese-led infrastructure projects. It highlights recurring challenges and proposes concrete recommendations to mitigate these challenges in the future.