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  Weekly readings

Transforming the Renewables Sector in the Gulf: The Evolving Strategies of Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE

[ © Al Jazeera ]

 In recent months, the Ukraine war has underscored the centrality of the debate on national and regional energy strategies to global economic and geopolitical security as well as the climate crisis. This paper looks at how three of the major Gulf energy actors – Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates – have reacted to the pressures of recent geopolitical developments as well as the longer-term trend of the global shift towards cleaner energy. There are precedents for state actors, including Gulf actors, to focus in on the renewable energy sector as part of wider energy efforts during periods of uncertainty and instability across the international system.  

Les ambitions iraniennes en Afrique: Une présence idéologique, sécuritaire et économique

[ © Policy Center for the new South ]

 La présence iranienne en Afrique est une question à la fois idéologique, économique et sécuritaire. La politique africaine de l’Iran a connu un nouvel élan avec la Révolution de 1979. Dans le cas de la politique africaine, on peut qualifier ce tiers-mondisme militant d’arrogant. Eneffet, dans l’imaginaire des élites politiques révolutionnaires khomeynistes, les relations avec les pays du Sud global sont à comprendre non seulement dans le cadre d’un anti-impérialisme de façade mais aussi dans la perspective d’une approche révolutionnaire visant à exporter leur modèle politico-religieux.  

Report of the Secretary-General: Humanitarian needs in the Syrian Arab Republic

[ © UN Security Council ]

 The present review is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2642 (2022), in which the Council requested that the Secretary-General provide a special report on the humanitarian needs in the Syrian Arab Republic by no later than 10 December 2022. Also in the resolution, the Council called upon humanitarian agencies to step up further initiatives to broaden the humanitarian activities in the Syrian Arab Republic, including water, sanitation, health, education, electricity where essential to restore access to basic services, and shelter early recovery projects.  

The EU vis-à-vis Turmoil in Burkina Faso: Towards Europeanisation?

[ © Istituto Affari Internazionali ]

 In late September 2022, Burkina Faso experienced its second coup in eight months. In the name of national security, Captain Ibrahim Traoré took control of the country on 30 September, deposing Paul-Henri Damiba, who had come to power through his own coup in January. Insecurity and the inability of the political class to deal with the jihadist threat are among the determining factors that led to two coups in such a short time. The coups unfolded in a context marked by competition between the European Union (EU) – initially led by France, the traditional European hegemon in the region – and Russia for influence in the Sahel.  

Infrastructure Financing Trends in Africa 2019-2020

[ © African Development Bank Group ]

 As part of its mission, the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa tracks investments in infrastructure on the African continent, by country and by source of financing. The objective is to follow trends and to identify ways in which the amount of financing for sustainable infrastructure can be increased in the transport, water and sanitation, energy, and ICT sectors in Africa.  

Somalias 2021-22 Political Transition: Lessons Learned For Future Democratization

[ © Rift Valley Institute ]

 This report is a product of the Somali Dialogue Platform. The Somali Dialogue Platform is a programme which supports Somalis to achieve consensus on contentious political issues and is implemented by the Rift Valley Institute. The Somali Dialogue Platform is funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).  

Reading of the week; Naval Defence Cooperation in the EU - Potential and Hurdles

[ © Istituto Affari Internazionali ]

 Taken together, some recent events represent a watershed in the global geopolitical landscape. The strategic repositioning of the US towards the Indo-Pacific, NATO’s withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Russian invasion of Ukraine highlights the need for EU member states to invest more and better in the defence sector. Industrial cooperation between national champions is pivotal to reduce unnecessary duplications and foster interoperability.  

What do we have to lose? Understanding and responding to climate-induced loss and damage to cultural heritage

[ © Overseas Development Institute ]

 Cultural heritage plays a major role in shaping our identities, enriching our spiritual existence, providing social cohesion and helping us to understand our past. Throughout history, people have experienced loss and damage to their cultural heritage due to war, colonialism, displacement, tourism and other forces, but now there is a new threat: climate change.  

Green Deal Watch: Building Energy

[ © Istituto Affari Internazionali ]

 This Green Deal Watch presents a general analytical foreword, followed by the in-depth monitoring of Green Deal activities, divided according to a breakdown revolving around a set of four dimensions, designed to match the guidelines so far expressed by the von der Leyen Commission (driving the Green Deal; greening industry; supporting the transformation; and strengthening security and diplomacy). These four dimensions are followed by an in-depth section, where we will cover different kinds of content in each issue.  

Repatriation of child returnees from Northeast Syria: A child-rights approach to their management, rehabilitation, and reintegration

[ © International Centre for Counter-Terrorism ]

 State practices relating to the repatriation of child returnees from Northeast Syria continue to be inconsistent and incomplete. With an increasing number of European countries escalating their efforts to bring home women and children from the camps, it is imperative that these practices include holistic policies towards child returnees that address the wide range of issues presented not only in the short- but also in the mid- and long-term.  

Five-Year Development Plans for Arab Society in Israel: Lessons from Plan 922 for the New Five-Year Plan

[ © The Institute for National Security Studies ]

 The adoption of Resolution 922 by the Israeli government was a significant effort to accelerate economic development within the Arab population. The program rested on two primary objectives: economic development among the Arab sector and its integration in the Israeli economy and society; and a narrowing of the existing wide socioeconomic gaps between the Arab sector and the general population.  

Terror and Taxes: Inside al-Shabaab revenue-collection machine

[ © Global Initiative ]

 The Somali Islamist group Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujaahidiin, commonly known as al-Shabaab, is the ‘largest, wealthiest and most deadly’ al-Qaeda affiliate remaining in the world. While its origins trace back to the early years of the 2000s, the group rose to prominence during the invasion and occupation of Somalia by the Ethiopian military between 2006 and 2009.