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  Weekly readings

Reading of the Week: Guide to Empower Womens Businesses in Transition Contexts in Africa

[ © African Development Bank ]

 The Guide to empower women’s businesses in transition contexts in Africa is designed to advise practitioners, national and international development actors, and anyone supporting women’s entrepreneurship, on simple, targeted, and straightforward approaches to plan, implement, and assess interventions that aim to assist women entrepreneurs to pivot their businesses for resilience in times of tumultuous change, reduce risk, bounce back, and seize new opportunities.  

Libya Economic Monitor, Fall 2024: Stabilizing Growth and Boosting Productivity

[ © World Bank ]

 Libya’s economic outlook relies heavily on the oil and gas sector, which constitutes a significant portion of its GDP, government revenue, and exports. With oil production expected to average 1.1 mbpd in 2024, GDP is anticipated to shrink by 2.7 percent this year  

A Statistical Analysis of Migrant Youth Vulnerability in Sudan & Ethiopia

[ © Mixed Migration Centre ]

 This report looks at the factors that impact the vulnerability of youth who are migrants in Sudan and Ethiopia. Sudan and Ethiopia are important migration crossroads in East Africa, and routes through this region are characterised by a substantial risk of abuse. The study presents a statistical analysis based on data collected in 2022–2023 in Sudan and Ethiopia  

Reading Of The Week: Navigating troubled waters The Houthis campaign in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden

[ © The International Institute for Strategic Studies ]

 This report analyses the evolution of Houthi strategy at sea over the twelve months since the start of the campaign, particularly with regard to targeting criteria, geographic scope and weapons systems used. It also considers the international military response, which includes several multinational naval missions, as well as the actions by Israel, the United Kingdom and the United States against ground targets in Yemen.  

Russia in the Middle East and North Africa: Arms, Power Projection and Nuclear Diplomacy

[ © Carnegie Endowment for International Peace ]

 Faced with various threats and conflicts ranging from the persistence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the danger of a wider regional war to the rise of nonstate actors that systematically use violence in internal and external conflicts, today’s Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) countries are drawing in China and Russia to compete with the United States over military presence, arms sales, energy and trade ties, and security roles.  

La relation russo-iranienne à lépreuve de lescalade militaire au Moyen-Orient

[ © Institut Français des Relations Internationales ]

 Les relations entre Téhéran et Moscou ont connu un nouvel élan depuis le début de la guerre en Ukraine, passant d'une relation transactionnelle et asymétrique depuis 1991 à la construction d'un véritable partenariat stratégique. Néanmoins, malgré l’approfondissement des coopérations militaire, spatiale, cyber, policière et nucléaire civile, Moscou se montre réticent à s’engager directement aux côtés de Téhéran contre les États-Unis et leurs alliés au Moyen-Orient.  

Community dialogue as a peacebuilding tool Insights from environmental dialogue in the Nineveh Plains of Iraq

[ © SIPRI Research Policy Paper ]

 Iraq is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Throughout the country, communities are seeing their livelihoods and everyday lives increasingly disrupted by scorching temperatures, water scarcity, extended droughts and dust storms. While the impacts of the climate crisis are widely felt, they can be especially pernicious in conflict-affected contexts as climate change exacerbates existing vulnerabilities and increases the risk of insecurity.  

Rescuing Yemens Economy

[ © Sanaa Center Economic Unit ]

 A political crisis has wracked the interim capital of Aden as the internationally recognized government struggles to deal with the plummeting Yemeni rial. The currency now trades at over YR2,000 to the dollar, having lost over a third of its value since the year began. Riven by political infighting and lacking the vision or tools to arrest the slide, an acute economic collapse appears imminent if significant and sustained financial support does not arrive.  

Sudan Chad and Libya knit together as illicit markets enable conflict economy

[ © ENACT Africa ]

 Sudan’s civil war continues to rage, with no sign that either the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) or Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) are close to a military victory or open to a ceasefire. Over 10 million civilians are displaced within Sudan or into neighbouring countries. Its economy is in ruins, with business centres transformed into battlefields. Severe hunger afflicts half the population, with famine emerging in Darfur.  

Les Nigeriens approuvent les chatiments corporels

[ © AFRO Barometer ]

 La Constitution du Niger promet de protéger les enfants, soulignant le rôle de l'Etat dans la préservation de leur santé physique, mentale et morale. Malgré cet engagement, de nombreux enfants sont confrontés à de dures réalités. Le Niger affiche le 11ème taux de mortalité des enfants de moins de 5 ans le plus élevé au monde, car des maladies évitables (pneumonie, diarrhée, paludisme…) se développent dans un contexte d'accès limité à l'eau potable, à l'assainissement et aux soins de santé.  

Do No Harm: Toward an Environmental Audit of Military-Managed Civilian Projects in Egypt

[ © Carnegie Middle East Center ]

 In order for Egypt to respond effectively to the alarming environmental threats it faces, it must bring the large number of military-managed projects and production in the civilian domain under a single, integrated national framework for climate change mitigation and adaptation planning, monitoring, and accountability.  

Reading of the Week: The Case for an IndoMed Quad: India, Italy, UAE, and US Cooperation

[ © Foreign Policy Research Institute ]

 The Indo-Mediterranean region faces escalating instability, from Houthi missile strikes disrupting maritime routes vital to piracy and regional conflicts in the Horn of Africa. A strategic IndoMed Quad—comprising the United States, United Arab Emirates, India, and Italy—offers a pragmatic framework to address these challenges