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Food Security in Times of Crisis: An Action Plan for the G7

[ © Istituto Affari Internazionali ]

 The number of people who are undernourished suffering from chronic hunger and a lack of access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food has increased due to trade disruptions and bottlenecks that impact prices, stringent food trade policies and supply chains, and postharvest losses. This issue requires urgent humanitarian assistance. Mitigating the problem demands practical solutions at the global level and active Group of Seven (G7) participation.  

Food Security in Times of Crisis: An Action Plan for the G7

[ © Istituto Affari Internazionali ]

 The number of people who are undernourished suffering from chronic hunger and a lack of access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food has increased due to trade disruptions and bottlenecks that impact prices, stringent food trade policies and supply chains, and postharvest losses. This issue requires urgent humanitarian assistance. Mitigating the problem demands practical solutions at the global level and active Group of Seven (G7) participation.  

An innovative framework for analysing asylum-related migration

[ © European Union Agency for Asylum ]

 Asylum-related migration comprises those migrants who left their countries of origin with the intention to seek international protection in another country or ended up doing so. People with legitimate needs for international protection, according to the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol, and the Qualification Directive, as well as people fleeing their countries for better economic/ employment opportunities are included, as long as they (intend to) seek asylum.  

Lebanon Economic Monitor, Spring 2023: The Normalization of Crisis is No Road for Stabilization

[ © Relief Web ]

 Behind a façade of normalization of crisis conditions, the Lebanese economy remains in precipitous decline, markedly distant from a stabilization path, let alone a recovery path, according to the latest World Bank Lebanon Economic Monitor released today. The systemic failure of Lebanon’s banking system and the collapse of the currency have induced a pervasive dollarized cash economy estimated at almost half of GDP in 2022.  

Lebanon Economic Monitor, Spring 2023: The Normalization of Crisis is No Road for Stabilization

[ © Relief Web ]

 Behind a façade of normalization of crisis conditions, the Lebanese economy remains in precipitous decline, markedly distant from a stabilization path, let alone a recovery path, according to the latest World Bank Lebanon Economic Monitor released today. The systemic failure of Lebanon’s banking system and the collapse of the currency have induced a pervasive dollarized cash economy estimated at almost half of GDP in 2022.  

The EUs Strategic Partnership with the Gulf: One Year On

[ © Brussels International Center ]

 On 18 May 2022, the European External Action Service (EEAS) released a joint communication to the European Parliament and the Council on a strategic partnership with the Gulf. The document lays out a strategy to strengthen the European Union’s (EU’s) position in the wider Gulf space by deepening relations with the region’s rising geopolitical players, i.e. the six monarchies of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC): Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman.  

Houthis in the Footsteps of Hizbullah

[ © Taylor & Francis Online ]

 In the eight years since Saudi Arabia launched its military offensive against Yemen’s Houthi rebel movement Ansar Allah, much attention has been devoted to Iran’s and Hizbullah’s military assistance to the Houthis. Also important is Hizbullah’s conceptual influence on the Houthis, and the Houthis’ efforts to emulate Hizbullah.  

Power and potential: The economics of Egyptian construction and ICT

[ © Clingendael Institute ]

 Young Egyptians’ dissatisfaction with their employment prospects was a key driver of protests in 2011 and 2013. Since then, the country’s political authorities have worked hard to create job opportunities for young Egyptians by boosting growth in the construction sector (infrastructure and public works), among other things.  

Power and potential: The economics of Egyptian construction and ICT

[ © Clingendael Institute ]

 Young Egyptians’ dissatisfaction with their employment prospects was a key driver of protests in 2011 and 2013. Since then, the country’s political authorities have worked hard to create job opportunities for young Egyptians by boosting growth in the construction sector (infrastructure and public works), among other things.  

Financer la transition énergétique et écologique

[ © Policy Center for the New South ]

 La transition énergétique et écologique (TEE) est inéluctable, souhaitable et désormais acceptée au plan mondial. Mais le financement de cette transition demeure fort incertain. L’objet de ce Policy Paper est d’analyser les besoins de financement à considérer, et de passer en revue les différents canaux financiers possibles. Des pistes ont déjà été lancées, des procédures et des instruments sont mis en place, mais tout cela reste insuffisant. Il va falloir combiner un grand nombre de solutions, lesquelles vont exiger des innovations financières, l’application élargie des critères ESG, une adaptation de certaines réglementations bancaires et financières et plus de coopération internationale. Pour conclure, cet article propose un certain nombre de recommandations pour faciliter le financement de la TEE.  

What Does the IPCC Say About Our Future?

[ © Brussels international Center ]

 The final conclusions of the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) were released on the 20th of March 2023.[1] It integrates the work conducted for the past five years on the Physical Science basis, Adaptation and Mitigation by the AR6 Three Working Groups, and the three special reports on limiting warming to 1.5°C, Climate Change and Land, and the Ocean and the Cryosphere. This synthesis provides the extent of science and knowledge we have on climate change from its causes, its impacts and its perspectives on the solutions. Because they translate science into concrete and quantified political objectives, IPCC statements are always significant milestones for global climate actions.  

Decarbonisation nations: How EU climate diplomacy can save the world

[ © European Council on Foreign Relations ]

 The European Union has long played a leading role in global efforts to address climate change. In today’s fraught geopolitical environment, however, there is no inevitable logic of cooperation between global powers – on decarbonisation or on any other issue. Within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), each country now assesses its national plans on climate action as part of its wider economic security, and builds alliances accordingly.