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  Weekly readings

A Decade of Chinas Belt and Road Initiative in the Middle East

[ © The National Interest ]

 Launched in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) a global infrastructure and development strategy that aims to connect Asia, Africa, and Europe through a network of land and maritime trade routes, was a significant turning point in China’s foreign policy and has become one of the most ambitious and far-reaching development initiatives in history.  

Voice, Accountability, and Economic Growth in the MENA Region

[ © Middle East Council on Global Affairs ]

 Polling data from across the Arab world suggests a growing disillusionment with democracy and its role in fostering economic development. While such disillusionment is understandable, it is not necessarily accurate. This paper reviews analytic work and empirical data on governance, economic growth, foreign direct investment, and export diversification in an effort to understand whether metrics of “voice and accountability” are correlated with higher levels of economic growth and performance.  

Reading of the week: Labour-trafficking risks in Sahara-Sahel ASGM

[ © The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime ]

 This report assesses risks of exploitation and labour trafficking in gold-mining areas in northern Niger and northern Mali. It examines the modalities of recruitment and employment, the risks they pose to workers and the structural factors that contribute to the vulnerability of gold miners. The report also identifies key opportunities for policy makers to address these risks while recognizing the crucial role of gold mining for local livelihoods and stability.  

Gulf Region Reconciliation: Boosting Climate Action and Energy Cooperation

[ © Brussels International Center ]

 The agreement to resume diplomatic ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia in March 2023 marks a remarkable moment for the Gulf region. As most regional players have become aware that the traditional zero-sum game driven by ideological, political, and security competition does not bear fruit to preserve national interests, the agreement thus provides a window of opportunity for more regional cooperation.  

Why China Is Emerging as a Main Promoter of Stability in the Strait of Hormuz

[ © Carnegie Middle East Center ]

 Because of its reliance on the Gulf region for much of its oil and gas, China has a strong interest in preserving security in the region, an early example of which was its mediation of the recent Saudi Arabia-Iran reconciliation. The Strait of Hormuz is the world’s single-most important energy corridor, forming a chokepoint between the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.  

Hezbollahs Coercion and the Israel-Lebanon Maritime Deal

[ © Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs ]

 In late 2022, Israel and Lebanon signed a US-brokered maritime agreement establishing their permanent maritime boundary and exclusive economic zones and regulating their rights to gas exploration in the eastern Mediterranean. Preceding the agreement was a sustained coercive-diplomacy campaign by Hezbollah. Between June and October, the organization conveyed overt and covert threats, and it pursued actions that were unprecedented in the Israel-Hezbollah conflict.  

Twilight Institutions: Land conflict and hybrid authorities in Benins Borgou department

[ © Clingendael ]

 Communal conflicts between farmers and herders in Borgou have multiple driving forces. This report explores one of these: changing land management systems. It is argued that recent changes in land management are in any event likely to become a stronger driver of tensions in Borgou in the near future.  

Tarnished Hope: Crime and corruption in South Sudans gold sector

[ © Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime ]

 Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) offers a multitude of positive development outcomes for communities and the broader population when practised responsibly and with transparent access to global gold markets. However, under the control of kleptocratic networks and foreign nationals jockeying for position to maximize profits, the gold sector in South Sudan is currently characterized by corruption and criminality.  

Twilight Institutions: Land conflict and hybrid authorities in Benins Borgou department

[ © Clingendael ]

 Communal conflicts between farmers and herders in Borgou have multiple driving forces. This report explores one of these: changing land management systems. It is argued that recent changes in land management are in any event likely to become a stronger driver of tensions in Borgou in the near future.  

Reading of the week: The kidnapping business, Criminality in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

[ © Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime ]

 Over the past seven years, kidnapping has become a widespread business in North and South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Members of all segments of society are kidnapped, and many people not only the members of armed groups have become kidnappers.  

The Fearless Activist Taking on Sexual Violence in Somalia

[ © Narratively ]

 After her father was assassinated, Ilwad Elman and her family fled war-torn Somalia, becoming refugees in Canada. But at 20 she returned home - and stayed - to build support for survivors in a country where gender-based violence is rampant.  

Still poles apart: UN Cybercrime Treaty negotiations

[ © Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime ]

 The UN Ad Hoc Committee negotiating a treaty on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes (henceforth ‘AHC’) has completed its deliberations on a negotiating text before a zero draft treaty will be provided to states in June 2023.