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  Weekly readings

In Reverse: Natural Gas and Politics in the Maghreb and Europe

[ © Foreign Policy Research Institute ]

 Morocco made a surprising announcement last year, on July 5, 2022. The Maghreb-Europe Gas Pipeline, which had up until November 2021 transported billions of cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas every year from Algeria to Spain via Morocco, would be reversed. Instead, natural gas imported from North America via Spain would be sold to Morocco. For the first time since the inauguration of Mediterranean pipelines, natural gas would now flow south across the Mediterranean, from Europe to the Maghreb.  

The Role of Umbrella States in the Global Nuclear Order

[ © Stockholm International Peace Research Institute ]

 This paper focuses on countries having extended nuclear deterrence arrangements with a nuclear-armed patron from whom they have received a nuclear security guarantee. Extended nuclear deterrence is often called a ‘nuclear umbrella’ a metaphor that hardly captures the risks inherent in nuclear deterrence practices and the non-nuclear weapon states belonging to an alliance with such arrangements are commonly referred to as ‘umbrella’ states.  

Climate Change and Vulnerability in the Middle East

[ © Carnegie Endowment for International Peace ]

 Climate change in the Middle East will amplify preexisting vulnerabilities stemming from conflict, displacement, marginalization, and corruption, while also creating new risks. Governments in the region will need to adopt more inclusive reforms as part of their climate adaptation strategies.  

Trends in Trade Between Israel and China Over the Past Decada (2013-2022)

[ © The Institute for National Security Studies ]

 This paper surveys the trends in trade between Israel and China, in both goods and services, over the past decade (2013–2022). Especially noticeable is the significant and consistent rise in trade with Israel during those years, based mostly on the import of goods from China, which totaled $17.62 billion in 2022. The imports from China are diverse and include machinery for infrastructure and construction projects, consumer products ordered from Chinese websites, which to some degree has mitigated the rise in the cost of living in Israel, and for the past two years, the import of cars from China.  

Bolstering Saudi Arabias CBRN Defenses

[ © The Washington Institute for Near East Policy ]

 The kingdom has substantial gaps in its ability to handle nonconventional attacks or incidents involving the release of hazardous materials but addressing them now could improve both its readiness at home and its interoperability with foreign forces.  

Sources of Inflationary Pressures in Sudan

[ © African Development Bank Group ]

 Inflation in Sudan has averaged 46 percent over the past decade, reaching 359 percent in 2021. Sudan’s history of high inflation suggests that strong inflationary pressures remain an important macroeconomic challenge for the country. Building on the African Development Bank’s (AfDB) 2023 background analysis on the Sources of Inflationary Pressures in Sudan, this Policy Brief identifies and quantifies these pressures over the period 1992-2022 and proposes policy measures to reduce inflation.  

Au Mali, la fourniture de services deau et dassainissement reste un défi

[ © AFRO Barometer ]

 Un des droits humains fondamentaux, l’accès universel à l’eau et à l’assainissement est le sixième Objectif de Développement Durable des Nations Unies (2023) et constitue un défi pour la plupart des pays africains. Touché par une crise sécuritaire depuis 2012, le Mali a vu son réseau hydraulique affaibli par la dégradation de ses infrastructures. Le service d’alimentation en eau a subi de fortes pressions à cause des déplacements internes liés à l’insécurité.  

EU-Tunisia Relations: Unpacking the Conundrum

[ © Istituto Affari Internazionali ]

 The European Union faces intricate challenges in its policy towards Tunisia. Examining the country’s intertwined political and socio-economic crises, the analysis sheds light on President Kais Saied’s populist politics, which have hindered the political transition and undermined democratic structures. Amidst the pressing challenge of high inflation, escalating debt, sluggish growth and critical shortages in basic goods, the analysis delves into the IMF loan negotiations amidst European concerns regarding Tunisia’s economic collapse and increased migration flows across the Mediterranean.  

Reading of the Week: Global Trends - Forced Displacement in 2022

[ © The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ]

 UNHCR's Global Trends report presents key statistical trends and the latest official statistics on refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced and stateless people worldwide. At the end of 2022, 108.4 million people worldwide were forcibly displaced as a result of persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations and events seriously disturbing public order.  

Anatomy of Chinas Maritime Strategy: Threatening the Maritime Order Through Its National Legislation and Self-Centered Interpretation of UNCLOS

[ © International Law Studies US Naval War College ]

 While the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) establishes an objective framework for the coordinated handling of the use of the sea by States in the exercise of their legislative, judicial, and executive powers, China’s legislative bodies, in enacting domestic laws for the fulfillment of treaty obligations, distort obligations in its domestic laws to secure their own national interests.  

The role of space technologies in power politics: Mitigating strategic dependencies through space resilience

[ © Finnish Institute of International Affairs ]

 Space activity is experiencing a boom with the scope and importance of space technologies and services fueling rapid growth upon growth. While the space boom is catalyzing transferal of the ownership of previously public infrastructure and capabilities to corporate control, many space technologies have critically important military and civilian applications.  

How Better Social Protection Can Strengthen Lebanons Social Contract

[ © Carnegie Middle East Center ]

 By revamping its social protection system, Lebanon could address its current economic crisis and restore public trust in the government. Lebanon is in need of a revamped social protection system for all its citizens at the different stages of their lives. Such a universal system must ensure access to social security, social assistance and care, and labor market programs. It should also underpin a strengthened social contract to replace the weak one in place prior to 2019, in which the state’s role was limited.