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  Weekly readings

Harnessing Regional Diplomacy: Egypts Strategic Role in Sudans Conflict Resolution

[ © Brussels International Center ]

 The ongoing conflict in Sudan, involving the country's armed forces and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), has significantly raised concerns for Egypt, its northern neighbour. Not only does Egypt face the impact of a humanitarian crisis spilling over into its borders, but it also navigates a challenging geopolitical landscape as Sudan undergoes a period of instability. The relationship between Egypt and Sudan has deep historical, cultural, and strategic ties. As Sudan faces internal conflicts, Egypt's role in the country's war becomes increasingly significant.  

Improving the Prospects for Peace in South Sudan: Spotlight on Measurement

[ © Stockholm International Peace Research Institute ]

 A convergence of entrenched insecurity and climate change is having serious socio-economic implications in South Sudan where humanitarian conditions, including food insecurity, continue to deteriorate. In 2022, 8.9 million people were in need of humanitarian assistance, out of a population of 11 million.  

Reading of the Week: Uniting the Response? Challenges in International Law Enforcement Cooperation in Wildlife Crime in Asia and Africa

[ © Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime ]

 The consequences of wildlife trafficking go beyond the threat it poses to ecological integrity and the survival of many wild species. Wildlife trafficking is also a public health threat, through its role in the emergence of zoonotic pathogens, and a national and local security threat, generating revenues for organized criminal groups and militias, and contributing to the breakdown in rule of law that exacerbates local conflict and undermines livelihoods.  

Brain Capital is Key to a Sustainable Future

[ © Baker Institute for Public Policy ]

 Brain capital is a novel framework that recognizes brain skills and brain health as indispensable drivers of the modern knowledge economy. The concept of “green brain capital”, which we are scoping in this paper, places a central emphasis on the brain to deliver a healthy and sustainable environment and, vice versa, on a green environment to promote and safeguard brain health.  

Chemical recycling of plastics: Technologies, trends and policy implications

[ © Centre for European Policy Studies ]

 The report looks at the challenges associated with plastic waste generation and discusses the potential of using chemical recycling technologies as part of an ecosystem of solutions for increasing the circularity of plastics. It is based on evidence collected through desk-research and inputs provided during a series of stakeholder meetings.  

Jenins Freedom Theatre rises from the ashes once again

[ © Middle East Institute ]

 The Freedom Theatre (TFT), headquartered in the Jenin Refugee Camp in the northern West Bank that was invaded once again by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) last week, is nothing if not a crucible for the Palestinian experience. Up against grinding poverty, occupation, religious extremism, and, more recently, aerial bombardment, the theater miraculously survives.  

Breaking the Cycle: Toward a New Imaginary of the Food System in Lebanon

[ © Carnegie Middle East Center ]

 Exorbitant food prices and food shortages—and, at one point, long queues for bread—became the norm in Lebanon following the country’s economic collapse in 2019, which sent shockwaves across all sectors of the economy and led to hyperinflation. By December 2022, 1.29 million Lebanese (one-third of the resident population) and 700,000 Syrian refugees (almost half the total in Lebanon) were facing severe food insecurity, with projections indicating a continued rise in 2023.  

Striking the Right Balance with Iran

[ © International Crisis Group ]

 Tehran’s crackdown on anti-government protests and deepening military cooperation with Russia have put relations between Iran and Europe in a downward spiral. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2023 – Spring Update, Crisis Group urges the EU to reinvigorate its efforts to de-escalate tensions.  

Les Burkinabè sont fortement attachés à leur identité nationale

[ © AFRO Barometer ]

 Avec plus d’une soixantaine de groupes ethniques, le Burkina Faso est considéré comme un modèle de vivre-ensemble où le brassage culturel et ethnique ne souffrait d’aucune menace majeure. Mais depuis quelques années, cette cohésion sociale qui régnait semble laisser place à un climat de méfiance, faisant de la question des identités, en particulier celle de l'appartenance ethnique, l’une des plus sensibles, au point où le rapport sur les résultats définitifs du Recensement Général de la Population et de l'Habitat 2019 ne comporte aucune donnée sur la répartition ethnique de la population burkinabè.  

African Feminist Epistemic Communities

[ © Codesria Bulletin ]

 This paper was given as a keynote address at a convening for one of CODESRIA’s flagship institutes—the gender institute. The CODESRIA gender institutes have been running for twenty-eight years, with 428 direct beneficiaries. My engagement with CODESRIA gender institutes has occurred across three different periods and different thematic areas.  

Council Conclusions on Somalia

[ © Council of the European Union ]

 The European Union (EU) and its Member States welcome the significant progress achieved in Somalia since President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud assumed office in May 2022. The EU commends the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) for its efforts to build a stable and peaceful Somalia to ensure delivery on the security transition in line with the UN Security Council mandates UNSCR 2628 and UNSCR 2670, as well as for its ambitious reform agenda, including commitment to comprehensive reconciliation and macro-economic reforms.  

Reading of the Week: Global Governance Survey 2023 - Finding Consensus in a Divided World

[ © Stimson Center ]

 This report is an attempt to do something novel: rather than explore how many people think the world is in trouble, it looks at the willingness of people in key countries around the world to support real, credible, and global solutions. The Global Governance Survey examines attitudes to the state of the world, revealing deep concern over conflict, economics, corruption, and other global issues, as well as potential global governance responses to issues of peace and security, pandemics, climate change, and institutional reform.