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  Weekly readings

Risk mitigation and transfer for renewable energy investments: a conceptual review

[ © Stockholm Environment Institute ]

 This report reviews and examines the use of risk mitigation and transfer (RMT) instruments in private utility-scale renewable energy investment. The trillions of dollars needed to achieve global climate goals are more than an abstract number. They need to be channeled through viable projects that result in desirable outcomes, such as renewable energy infrastructure in developing countries.  

The Impact of Chinese Investments in Africa

[ © Policy Center for the New South ]

 China is the largest developing country. Africa is the continent with the largest number of developing countries. The China-Africa economic relationship has developed rapidly over the last two decades. China has increased its investment in Africa over the last four decades. Flows surged from $75 million (2003) to $5 billion (2021).This has had both positive and negative impacts on Africa. Infrastructure improvement, job creation, and overall economic growth can be listed as positive results, leading to improved connectivity, trade, and transportation in a continent where infrastructure integration has always been challenging. Creating such opportunities in Africa has supported lower unemployment rates, particularly among young people, which is fundamental in a continent that enjoys a positive demographic bonus 2021.  

Why West Africa and the Sahel are witnessing a resurgence in coups and political instability

[ © Arab News ]

 In the vast semi-arid expanse of West Africas Sahel, a series of military coups have dealt a heavy blow to the regions political stability and democratic transformation, and created a new era of uncertainty and insecurity.  

Debt Clouds over the Middle East

[ © Economic Research Forum ]

 A number of MENA countries face high debt levels. Egypt, Jordan, and Tunisia are in a precarious situation. Lebanon is already in default. These debt difficulties are rooted in persistent structural issues related to governance and regulatory frameworks and bloated public sectors. The situation has been exacerbated by global economic fluctuations, the pandemic, and Russias invasion of Ukraine. Unless reforms are made quickly, debt restructurings may become inevitable. If inevitable, it is preferable to do them preemptively, as part of a broader set of corrective actions.  

Saudi Arabias Deterrence Options Against Iran

[ © Middle East Institute ]

 Of all the challenges to Saudi Vision 20301 Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salmans (MBS) high-stakes plan for life after oil arguably none is greater than Irans threat to Saudi national security. To succeed, MBS must protect the kingdom, which will require not only fortifying its defenses against further Iranian and Houthi attacks but also establishing a level of deterrence against Tehran.  

Why West Africa and the Sahel are witnessing a resurgence in coups and political instability

[ © Arab News ]

 In the vast semi-arid expanse of West Africas Sahel, a series of military coups have dealt a heavy blow to the region’s political stability and democratic transformation, and created a new era of uncertainty and insecurity.  

Promoting Diaspora Investment in Fragile Settings: The Case of Somalia

[ © Clingendael ]

 This policy brief analyses the extent to which diaspora investment can support economic development and livelihoods, with a particular focus on fragile settings. Using the case study of Somalia, the brief explores some of the main advantages and risks associated with this tool. On the one hand, diaspora investment can channel finance into productive activities in the diaspora’s country of origin, supporting the creation of revenue streams, while also generating returns for diaspora investors. On the other hand, particularly in fragile settings, these investments can also undermine social cohesion and even increase the likelihood of violent conflict, especially if they are channelled along identity lines.  

Taking Stock of Organizations with Impact Evaluation Capacity Headquartered in sub-Saharan Africa: A New Database and Landscaping Analysis

[ © Center for Global Development ]

 The evidence-informed policy ecosystem has evolved significantly over the past two decades. Alongside an increase in the number of impact evaluations, the community of researchers and organizations in low- and middle-income countries conducting these studies continues to grow. Locally immersed researchers can help increase the policy use and utility of impact evaluation and related evidence, bringing critical insight on the priorities of policymakers and windows of opportunity to inform decision-making. Still, despite their vital role, many locally immersed research organizations encounter chronic funding challenges and other institutional and professional barriers.  

BRICS: 15th Summit and Beyond

[ © Manohar Parrokar Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses ]

 The BRICS coalition is underpinned by three foundational pillars, relating to financial and economic collaboration, political and security cooperation and cultural and people-to-people exchanges. The 15th Summit, centered on the ‘BRICS and Africa’ theme, decided to invite Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as new members of the group.  

Toolkit for Digital Safety Design Interventions and Innovations: Typology of Online Harms

[ © World Economic Forum ]

 The Typology of Online Harms aims to provide a foundational common language, facilitating multistakeholder and cross-jurisdictional discussions to advance digital safety. Developed by a working group of the Global Coalition for Digital Safety, comprising representatives from industry, governments, civil society and academia, this typology serves as a foundation for facilitating multistakeholder discussions and cross-jurisdictional dialogues to find a common terminology and shared understanding of online safety.  

Elevating ESG: Empirical Lessons on Environmental, Social and Governance Implementation of Chinese Projects in Africa

[ © Global Development Policy Center ]

 This report assesses the environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices of Chinese financed infrastructure projects in Africa, within the context of substantial investment needs for African nations to achieve the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  

Reform or Recklessness? Which Path for the Arab Region?

[ © Carnegie Middle East Center ]

 The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the Russia-Ukraine war, which began in February 2022, deepened the economic crises that many countries in the Arab world were already facing, while helping others, especially in the Gulf region. Today, hydrocarbon-importing countries are having to deal with unprecedented increases in food and energy prices, as well as soaring levels of unemployment, debt, and inflation.