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[ © Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime ]

 In countries throughout Africa, including Nigeria, Kenya, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Sierra Leone, gangs play a pivotal role in political violence. When they are not perpetrating political violence, the same gangs often engage in a range of illicit markets. Yet, so far, analyses have not adequately scrutinized the link between gangs, political violence and illicit markets, predominantly understanding them as separate phenomena. The intersection between them has been understated, with important implications for response strategies.  

Guinée-Bissau - Mobiliser les financements du secteur privé en faveur du climat et de la croissance verte

[ © African Center for Economic Transformation ]

 Africa faces a serious challenge of youth unemployment, which affects millions of young people and hampers the continent’s economic transformation potential. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), about 13 million young people in Africa are unemployed, and around 60 million young African people are not engaged in employment, education, or training as of 2022. By 2050, Sub-Saharan Africa will have twice as many people as it has today, and more than half will be under 25 years old.  

Clean Hydrogen Roadmap: Is Greater Realism Leading to More Credible Paths Forward?

[ © The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies ]

 The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies started researching the role of hydrogen in the energy transition in 2020. Since then the interest in hydrogen has continued to grow globally across the energy industry. A key research question has been the extent to which clean hydrogen can be scaled up at reasonable cost and whether it can play a significant role in the global energy system. In April 2022, OIES launched a new Hydrogen Research Programme under the overarching theme of ’building business cases for a hydrogen economy’. This overarching theme was selected based on the observation that most clean hydrogen.  

Managing Disaster Costs

[ © ETH Zurich ]

 The increasing frequency and magnitude of climate-​exacerbated hazards, coupled with the growing vulnerability of societies worldwide, are raising the financial costs of disasters. Governments finance a larger share of these costs through post-​disaster measures. However, reducing risk and optimizing the allocation of pre-​disaster resources can reduce the negative financial impact on governments.  

A Second October War in Israel-Palestine

[ © International Crisis Group ]

 On 7 October, Hamas carried out a massive assault on Israel, drawing immediate comparisons to the 1973 conflict, when the Egyptian and Syrian armies similarly breached Israeli defences. In this Q&A, Crisis Group lays out what happened and where the fighting may be headed.  

House in disorder: How Europeans can help Palestinians fix their political system

[ © European Council on Foreign Relations ]

 Thirty years after the signing of the Oslo accords, the Middle East peace process has given way to a one-state reality of inequality and open-ended conflict. Palestinians are now living under modern-day apartheid. In the absence of any prospect of reaching a negotiated end to Israeli occupation, violence is escalating across Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory, reaching levels not seen since the second intifada.  

Kenya-Somalia Border: Rising al-Shabaab Threat in the Wake of ATMIS Drawdown

[ © Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project ]

 During the summer of 2023, al-Shabaab’s operations along the Kenya-Somalia border have significantly increased, raising concerns over a possible flare-up of cross-border activity. Between June and early August, ACLED records over 90 political violence events involving al-Shabaab militants in the border area, over half of which occurred in the Lower Juba region of Somalia (see map below). Increased al-Shabaab activity in the border area has resulted in a marked surge in attacks targeting security forces and civilians in northeastern Kenya and coastal Lamu county since June 2023, and a parallel surge in al-Shabaab activity recorded in neighboring Jubaland state in Somalia in July.  

Strengthening Africas Digital Infrastructure for Greater Economic Resilience

[ © The South African Institute for International Affairs ]

 Physical and electronic infrastructure must be in place to support digital identification, document exchange, payment and online trade in Africa. Physical or ’hard‘ infrastructure includes a reliable power supply, internet connectivity and secure data-storage facilities. This infrastructure enables broadband internet access, providing a foundation for individual and business participation in the digital economy.  

The Death of Prigozhin: A Short-Term Threat Removal for Putin?

[ © The Institute for National Security Studies ]

 The mysterious plane crash in which the head of the Wagner Group and nine other people were killed has immediate political and military implications. What is the likely future of the infamous mercenary organization, and is the Putin regime more stable in the aftermath of the event?  

Time for a victim-centric approach in prosecuting sexual and gender-based violence committed by terrorists

[ © International Center for Counter Terrorism ]

 Over the years, sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) committed as a tactic of terrorism has taken various forms, notably: forced recruitment; rape; forced marriage, pregnancy, and abortion; sexual slavery; and the use of women and girls to carry out suicide attacks. Numerous terrorist groups, including ISIS, Boko Haram, al-Shabaab, Ansar Eddine, the Taliban, and al-Qaeda, are known to commit such crimes in the states where they operate. In 2016, an emerging focus on the linkages between terrorism and SGBV resulted in the UNSC’s affirmation that victims of sexual violence committed by terrorist groups should be recognised as victims of terrorism.  

Rebuilding the Syrian Military: The Threat to Israel

[ © The Institute for National Security Studies ]

 After more than a decade in which it was preoccupied with the civil war, the Syrian military, while turning increasing attention toward its old enemy, Israel, seeks to regain its former strength. How is the Syrian military fortifying itself on both the conventional and nonconventional levels, and what should Israel do?  

Irans Global Diplomatic-Economic Campaign

[ © The Institute for National Security Studies ]

 In recent months Iran has been engaged in a campaign to improve its standing in Asia, Africa, and Latin America in various countries that are not aligned with the West. Will this help Iran mitigate its international isolation and alleviate the sanctions regime?