“Big Tech” - or large multinational corporations that manufacture, own, and operate the digital ecosystems and physical infrastructure constituting cyberspace - wield state-like influence, advancing their interests with a reach that rivals powerful state actors.
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: How to Make Big Tech Accountable for its Global Influence
War on the Rocks
The MENA region’s increasing access to digital information and internet usage has led to an explosion in e-commerce and widespread interest in cryptocurrencies. At the same time, cybercrime, which includes hacking, malware, online fraud and harassment, has spread across digital networks.
The threat of cybercrime in MENA economies
Economic Research Forum
Countries across Africa have experienced massive internet connectivity disruptions this year due to cuts in the undersea fiber cables in the Red Sea and along Africa’s east and west coasts. This has left much of the continent disconnected from the digital world that many rely on for essential services, e-commerce, business and daily life.
Bridging Africas digital divide
Geopolitical Intelligence Services
Since the release of ChatGPT3.5 roughly a year and a half ago, the promises and perils of artificial intelligence (AI) have captured the world’s attention. We are currently in the midst of a vigorous debate about which AI harms to focus on—those occurring now or more speculative harms that might happen in the future.
Reading of the Week: The False Choice in the Debate Over Artificial Intelligence Regulation
While states acknowledge the need to better protect critical infrastructure against cyber-attacks, national and international efforts have brought limited results. The solution could be a global treaty that strengthens cooperation on this matter.
Reading of the Week: Why the World Needs a New Cyber Treaty for Critical Infrastructure
Carnegie Europe
Africa witnessed a spate of cyberattacks in 2023, against African Union Commission (AUC) systems, Kenyan government data systems, and Nigerian election infrastructure among others. The attacks seem to have served as a wake-up call for the African Union (AU), driving its Peace and Security Council (PSC) to make cybersecurity a key agenda point at this year’s summit, held in Addis Ababa.
The AU took important action on cybersecurity at its 2024 summit - but more is needed
Chatham House
While supporters of the UN’s cybercrime treaty have seen their dreams deferred with the convention’s postponement, those concerned about the treaty’s potential impact on human rights and freedoms are breathing a momentary sigh of relief
A dream deferred or a near miss? UN committee postpones decision on cybercrime convention
Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
From January 29 to February 9, 2024, UN delegates will meet in New York to conclude discussions on a new cybercrime convention. Different countries have varying ideas about what the treaty should cover and how it should protect human rights and freedom of speech.
Endgame: The final phase of the UN cybercrime negotiations?
Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
In 1970, at the Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Head of States and the government of the Organization of African Union (O.A.U) now AU, the then President of Tanzania, the Late Julius Kambarage Nyerere stood at the podium and deliver his views about the direction of the African economy.
AI in Africa: The Last Battle Lost Before the War Begun
Modern Diplomacy
From 21 August to 1 September 2023, delegates debated a zero draft of the United Nations Treaty on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes, or more succinctly referred to as the ‘cybercrime treaty’, at a UN session in New York.
Cybercrime Treaty Summary of the GI-TOC's key positions
Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
India’s G20 presidency spotlighted the pivotal role of digital public infrastructure in fostering sustainable and inclusive development. Such a network is crucial for Africa’s rapidly expanding digital landscape. Yet without strategic actions the continent risks succumbing to a new type of resource curse — the digital one.
Reading of the Week: How to Achieve African Digital Sovereignty
The South African Institute of International Affairs
A zero draft of the United Nations Treaty on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes, or more succinctly referred to as the cybercrime treaty, has been produced and will be debated in an August 2023 UN session in New York. In this context, states are debating the first global cyber-treaty, with a focus on criminality and state powers to address crime.
Closing Pandoras box: UN Cybercrime Treaty negotiations
Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
The Typology of Online Harms aims to provide a foundational common language, facilitating multistakeholder and cross-jurisdictional
discussions to advance digital safety. Developed by a working group of the Global Coalition for Digital Safety, comprising representatives from industry, governments, civil society and academia, this typology serves as a foundation for facilitating multistakeholder discussions and cross-jurisdictional dialogues to find a common terminology and shared understanding of online safety.
Toolkit for Digital Safety Design Interventions and Innovations: Typology of Online Harms
World Economic Forum
Space activity is experiencing a boom with the scope and importance of space technologies and services fueling rapid growth upon growth.
While the space boom is catalyzing transferal of the ownership of previously public infrastructure and capabilities to corporate control, many space technologies have critically important military and civilian applications.
The role of space technologies in power politics: Mitigating strategic dependencies through space resilience
Finnish Institute of International Affairs
The UN Ad Hoc Committee negotiating a treaty on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes (henceforth ‘AHC’) has completed its deliberations on a negotiating text before a zero draft treaty will be provided to states in June 2023.
Still poles apart: UN Cybercrime Treaty negotiations
Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
During the Russo-Ukrainian war, the space domain has arguably been used in a more versatile manner than in any previous conflict, duly providing a major learning opportunity for Western countries. This Hybrid CoE Working Paper discusses how the space domain has been used and impacted during the ongoing war in Ukraine. The focus is on hybrid threats, tools and actors. The conclusions provide a comprehensive analysis of achieved and predicted impacts, including linkages between the space domain and other hybrid threat domains.
Reading of the Week: The space domain and the Russo-Ukrainian war. Actors, tools, and impact
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