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How can development Partners support food Security in protracted crises

[ © Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture in recurrent and Protracted Crises ]

 This policy brief, developed for the UK’s (November) 2023 Global Food Security Summit, summarises insights from recent research from Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture in Recurrent and Protracted Crises (SPARC) in the Sahel, Syria and Yemen: mostly semi-arid areas subject to protracted crises and conflict, sometimes exacerbated by natural disasters, where food crises and food emergencies threaten.  

Reading of the Week: Gaza, Yemen, Syria, Human Rights, and Oil - The Elephants in the COP28 Room

[ © Wilson Center ]

 The annual multilateral Conference of the Parties (COP) has become one of the most important meetings on the global agenda. So, the fact that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will host COP28 starting this week in Dubai - on the coattails of another Arab country, Egypt, hosting COP27 in 2022-is a big deal. Bringing such important international meetings to the Global South is a step forward in decentering and reorienting global climate action.  

Middle East Conflict Risks Reshaping The Regions Economies

[ © International Monetary Fund ]

  The conflict in Gaza and Israel is causing immense human suffering. In addition to the direct impact, the conflict will also have consequences for the broader Middle East and North Africa region, with impacts on both people and economies. This comes at a time when economic activity in the region was already expected to slow, falling from 5.6 percent in 2022 to 2 percent in 2023.  

Expiration of UN Missile Sanctions Has Limited Effect on Irans Arms Trade


 While much of the world’s attention was focused on the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war, the UN Security Council’s sanctions on the development and export of Iranian missiles quietly expired on October 18. The sanctions were part of UN Security Council Resolution 2231, which set the specific terms for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran’s nuclear program in July 2015.  

Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment in Natural Resources Value Chains - Key Issues

[ © African Natural Resources Management and Investment Centre ]

 This policy brief argues in favour of greater consideration of gender issues and women’s economic empowerment in natural resource value chains, to make value chain interventions more resilient and inclusive. There is a growing consensus that considering and addressing gender issues in value chains development is not only a matter of fundamental rights and equality but also a way to stimulate economic growth.  

Who Woke the Sleeping Giant? Africas Emerging Space Programs Take Off

[ © Stimson ]

 As Africa looks to close the development gap, it has turned to space as a catalyst for economic growth and social change. The creation of the African Space Agency (AfSA) in 2017 and its formal inauguration in January of this year demonstrate that African leaders want to develop comprehensive, home-grown solutions to promote solidarity and a new way of thinking about the continent’s role in the future space economy.  

Who Woke the Sleeping Giant? Africas Emerging Space Programs Take Off

[ © Stimson ]

 As Africa looks to close the development gap, it has turned to space as a catalyst for economic growth and social change. The creation of the African Space Agency (AfSA) in 2017 and its formal inauguration in January of this year demonstrate that African leaders want to develop comprehensive, home-grown solutions to promote solidarity and a new way of thinking about the continent’s role in the future space economy.  

Chads Constitutional Referendum Promises a Transition without Change-or Stability

[ © Africa Center for Strategic Studies ]

 Chad’s constitutional referendum, scheduled for December 17, is the latest step by General Mahamat Déby’s military junta to stage-manage a transition that maintains the hereditary succession of the Déby dynasty and the military as a central political actor in this country of 18 million people that straddles six neighbors in the volatile Sahel region.  

Africa is a Key Source of Critical Minerals for the Global Energy Transition But There are Hidden Dangers

[ © SAIIA ]

 Africa possesses significant reserves of the minerals that are essential for batteries, solar panels and other green tech that will underpin the energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables. Africa’s mining industry, however, remains largely structured around a “pit-to-port” model that channels mineral ores elsewhere for processing.  

Multilateral development in flux: Strengthening European cooperation with the global south

[ © European Council On Foreign Relations ]

 European countries are rethinking their policies on multilateral development in the face of intersecting crises, geopolitical competition, and a loss of trust from the global south. The search for improved responses to global challenges such as climate change and pandemic disease has given new impetus to multilateral efforts.  

The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor: an early assessment

[ © The Economic Research Forum (ERF) ]

 The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor represents an important shift in US and EU efforts to promote trade in the Middle East. Unlike past trade initiatives, the IMEC encompasses a broader coalition of regional and non-regional participants.  

Arab Peace Initiative II: How Arab Leadership Could Design a Peace Plan in Israel and Palestine

[ © Carnegie Endowment For international Peace ]

 Past peace processes in Israel and Palestine failed to offer long-term solutions to the conflict, but they showed what makes negotiations work. In the latest round of hostilities in Gaza, key Arab governments are uniquely positioned to leverage relationships with all parties to lay out the conditions that could broker a lasting peace.