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  Weekly readings

From Catastrophe to Famine: Immediate action needed in Sudan to contain mass starvation

[ © Clingendael ]

 The conflict in Sudan has a substantial impact on the country’s food system and hinders people’s ability to cope with food shortages. As the country shows the worst hunger level ever recorded during the harvest season, which is usually a period when food is more available, the severity and scale of hunger in the coming lean season, will be catastrophic. This policy brief argues that rather than the inevitable consequence of war, this food crisis is the result of the generals’ deliberate destruction of Sudan’s food system and the obstruction of people’s coping mechanisms.  

Prioritizing and Sequencing Security Council Mandates in 2023: The Case of MONUSCO

[ © International Peace Institute ]

 On November 21, 2023, the International Peace Institute (IPI), the Stimson Center, and Security Council Report organized a workshop to discuss the mandate and political strategy of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO). This discussion was part of a series of workshops that examine how the activities included in peace operations’ mandates can be better prioritized, sequenced, and grounded in a political strategy.  

Endgame: The final phase of the UN cybercrime negotiations?

[ © Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime ]

 From January 29 to February 9, 2024, UN delegates will meet in New York to conclude discussions on a new cybercrime convention. Different countries have varying ideas about what the treaty should cover and how it should protect human rights and freedom of speech.  

Frances Diplomatic Role in the Middle East Post-October 7

[ © The Washington Institute for Near Policy ]

 In Gaza, Lebanon, and beyond, Paris continues to favor multilateral approaches that incorporate key regional partners, though it understands Washington’s paramount role in achieving regional stability.  

Meaningful inclusion? Enhancing the youth, peace and security agenda in euro-mediterranean conflict resolution

[ © EuroMeSCo ]

 This paper explores the Youth, Peace, and Security (YPS) Agenda’s impact on youth involvement in conflict resolution, focusing on Euro-Mediterranean regions, specifically post-Arab Spring Yemen and Libya. The YPS Agenda emphasizes five pillars: participation, protection, violence prevention, partnerships, and disengagement/reintegration.  

How Washington Emboldened the Houthis

[ © Foreign Affairs ]

 Since the Houthis launched their assault on global shipping in November, the United States and its partners have scrambled for ways to restore calm and commerce to the Red Sea. First, on December 18, Washington assembled a maritime coalition designed to boost the U.S. presence in the area and promote regional security. Then, in January, the United States started intercepting Iranian military shipments bound for the Houthis and issued multiple warnings to the group. Finally, after nearly two months of continuous attacks in the Red Sea, the United States and the United Kingdom launched a barrage of strikes against the Houthis’ facilities.  

Moving to a post-Khamenei era: The role of the Assembly of Experts

[ © Middle East Institute ]

 On March 1, 2024, the Islamic Republic of Iran will hold elections for the sixth term of the Assembly of Experts. The major responsibility of this 88-member body is to designate the future supreme leader after the current leader’s death or when he becomes incapable of fulfilling the position’s responsibilities. At present, there is no verified information about the health of 84-year-old Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. However, since the sixth Assembly of Experts will continue its term until 2032, this next assembly may very well be charged with designating Khamenei’s successor, if the Islamic regime continues to rule Iran until then.  

Reading of the Week: As Africans enter busy political year, scepticism marks weakening support for elections

[ © Afrobarometer ]

 The year 2024 promises a bumper crop of elections in Africa. National contests are planned in 23 African countries, from Comoros’ presidential election in January to Ghana’s in December. Even smooth elections are times of high stakes and tension that can put democratic processes to the test. And Africa’s elections haven’t always been showcases of smooth organization, free and fair playing fields, and universally accepted outcomes.  

Does Africas Peace and Security Council need stronger members?

[ © Institute for Security Studies ]

 At the upcoming African Union (AU) summit from 15-19 February, 10 new countries will take their seats on the Peace and Security Council (PSC) for two-year terms. As the AU’s primary decision-making organ on security matters, the strength of its members determines how effectively the PSC will respond to the plethora of challenges facing the continent.  

Gender - Foresight Africa 2024

[ © Brookings Institution ]

 Africa didn’t create the climate crisis, but we’re on its frontlines, and our women and girls are most affected. Women are primarily responsible for making up for household deficits in food, water, and income for basic needs. And it is girls’ schooling, training, and life choices that are most curtailed when difficulties arise.  

AI in Africa: The Last Battle Lost Before the War Begun

[ © Modern Diplomacy ]

 In 1970, at the Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Head of States and the government of the Organization of African Union (O.A.U) now AU, the then President of Tanzania, the Late Julius Kambarage Nyerere stood at the podium and deliver his views about the direction of the African economy.  

Unveiling the Future: The Release of Allied Command Transformations Strategic Foresight Analysis 2023

[ © NATO Allied Command Transformation ]

 The Strategic Foresight Analysis 2023 (SFA23) provides a shared understanding of the Evolving Security Environment to 2043, thus establishing the context for Allied futures thinking. Based on this context, the Future Operating Environment 2024 (FOE24) will address the military problem sets for Allied Warfare Development.