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  Weekly readings

The AU took important action on cybersecurity at its 2024 summit - but more is needed

[ © Chatham House ]

 Africa witnessed a spate of cyberattacks in 2023, against African Union Commission (AUC) systems, Kenyan government data systems, and Nigerian election infrastructure among others. The attacks seem to have served as a wake-up call for the African Union (AU), driving its Peace and Security Council (PSC) to make cybersecurity a key agenda point at this year’s summit, held in Addis Ababa.  

Reading of the Week: Traditional Approaches to Displacement Are Not Working

[ © Baker Institute ]

 Historically, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has approached the problem of refugee displacement by working toward three optimal solutions: voluntary repatriation, local integration in the country where a refugee has sought asylum, and resettlement in a third country. These have all become more difficult to achieve.  

Wagner Group is now Africa Corps. What this means for Russias operations on the continent

[ © The Conversation ]

 In August 2023, Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin died after his private jet crashed about an hour after taking off in Moscow. He had been Russia’s pointman in Africa since the Wagner Group began operating on the continent in 2017.  

The EUs New Red Sea Naval Mission: Implications and Challenges

[ © The Washington Institute for Near East Policy ]

 The operation is a sign of Europe’s willingness to take action against the current instability, though significant work is needed to coordinate with existing initiatives and convince regional officials of the mission’s usefulness.  

Why the Saudi-Iranian Pact Is Withstanding the Gaza War

[ © The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington ]

 For decades, Saudi Arabia and Iran have been on opposing ends of regional conflicts, fueled by sectarian and ideological differences as well as geopolitical jostling. The involvement of regional and global powers further complicated this rivalry.  

Trade and the Persistence of the MENA Gender-Equality Paradox

[ © Policy Center for the New South ]

 The MENA region has one of the lowest female labor-participation rates in the world, and the lowest share of women in the total labor force, despite significant progress in reducing gender inequality in health and education. This situation has contributed to the so-called “MENA gender-equality paradox”  

Women and Lawyers Demonstrate Nationwide

[ © ACLED ]

 A wave of protests rocked Kenya in January, with thousands of people taking to the streets in support of the independence of the judiciary and women’s rights. With hundreds of demonstrations reported throughout the country, January marked a new record high in the number of protest events recorded by ACLED since July 2023.  

Towards a peace continuum approach to climate security

[ © Danish Institute for International Studies ]

 Climate change is a priority area in European and broader Western initiatives for global security, with a significant focus on Africa. This paper argues that advancing the climate security agenda in Africa necessitates an approach oriented towards integrating climate adaptation and finance into a ‘peace continuum’, spanning prevention, peacebuilding, and development.  

Africas Macroeconomic Performance and Outlook

[ © African Development Bank Group ]

 The global economy’s recovery is faltering, and Africa is not immune. Multiple crises— including rising living costs, weakening economic growth, increasing effects of climate change, health pandemics, and geopolitical tensions— are hindering Africa’s socioeconomic development. The momentum of Africa’s economic recovery has slowed, with average real GDP growth declining to an estimated 3.2 percent in 2023, from 4.1 percent in 2022.  

How can governments better support diaspora contributions to social, cultural and economic development?

[ © The Overseas Development Institute ]

 Governments around the world are increasingly aware of the importance of diaspora networks to foster sustainable development, primarily in countries of origin. In 2018, the Global Compact on Migration established the creation of conditions that allow diaspora networks to contribute to sustainable development through the transfer of skills, social capital and financial resources as a key objective. And diaspora engagement is increasingly prioritized in national development strategies, with many impressive initiatives under way.  

What about Women? Pursuing the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda in the Euro-Mediterranean Region

[ © EuroMeSCo ]

 This Policy Brief delves into the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Agenda in the Euro-Mediterranean region, particularly focusing on the progress and potential of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325). The paper addresses the evolving dynamics in the region and the importance of utilizing the WPS Agenda as an inclusive framework for stability and conflict resolution. It critically examines the implementation of UNSCR 1325, highlighting the challenges and offering nuanced insights.  

A dream deferred or a near miss? UN committee postpones decision on cybercrime convention

[ © Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime ]

 While supporters of the UN’s cybercrime treaty have seen their dreams deferred with the convention’s postponement, those concerned about the treaty’s potential impact on human rights and freedoms are breathing a momentary sigh of relief