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  Weekly readings

The Syrian parliamentary elections are coming up. Should anyone care?

[ © Atlantic Council ]

 This summer, elections for the Syrian People’s Assembly will be held in the areas controlled by the government under Bashar al-Assad. The political environment in Syria has remained unchanged since the 2020 elections.  

The Urgent Need for Transparency Reform in Gulf Central Banks

[ © The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington ]

 Gulf central banks can increase transparency by adopting credible reform agendas focused on the publication of accurate statistics, disclosure of analysis and forecasting methodology, and forward-looking explanations of policy decisions.  

Why Angola left OPEC?

[ © GIS ]

 In December 2023, Angola made the surprise announcement that it was leaving the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) effective January 1, 2024, severing a 16-year-long relationship. When the African oil exporter joined the producers’ group in 2007, it was the first country to do so since 1975. The relationship between Angola and OPEC changed drastically over that period.  

Decentralization and Its Effects on Urban Governance in Africa

[ © French Institute of International Relations ]

 The importance of African cities as economic, political and social actors is increasing. While Africa used to be perceived as a predominantly rural continent, it is estimated that by 2050, the urban population of the continent will increase by around 900 million people, nearly tripling  

Tackling Inequality to Revitalize Growth and Reduce Poverty in Africa

[ © World Bank ]

 Economic growth is expected to rebound in Sub-Saharan Africa, supported by increased private consumption and declining inflation in 2024. However, this positive outlook remains fragile due to uncertain global economic conditions, low fiscal buffers, growing debt service obligation, costly external borrowing, and escalating conflict and violence, which continue to weigh on economic activity in the region.  

Increasing Gender Equality in Fragile, Conflict, and Violence Settings

[ © World Bank Group ]

 By 2030, more than half of the world’s extreme poor will live in countries characterized by fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV) (World Bank 2020e). Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, 20 million more people are now living in extreme poverty in FCV countries  

Trends in world military expenditure, 2023

[ © SIPRI ]

 World military expenditure increased for the ninth consecutive year in 2023, reaching a total of $2443 billion. The 6.8 per cent increase in 2023 was the steepest year-on-year rise since 2009 and pushed global spending to the highest level SIPRI has ever recorded.  

Chinas Strategy to Shape Africas Media Space

[ © Africa Center for Strategic Studies ]

 China’s biggest media conglomerate, Xinhua, has 37 bureaus in Africa. This dwarves any other news agency—African or non-African—and is a dramatic increase from just a handful two decades ago. Another Chinese media giant, StarTimes, is China’s biggest player in African digital TV and the second largest in Africa after South Africa’s DSTV  

The Hadramawt National Council: A strategic move or a tactical reaction?

[ © Middle East Institute ]

 Yemen’s eastern governorate of Hadramawt has long had a distinct regional identity and recent steps, including the signing of a Hadrami Honor Charter and the formation of the Hadramawt National Council (HNC), have underscored Hadramis’ aspirations for greater empowerment and autonomy at a time of growing competition and contestation, both locally and regionally  

Irans Growing Assertive Posture and Its Role in Maritime Domain

[ © Modern Diplomacy ]

 Iran has emerged as important player in regional power politics. With growing offensive posture in the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, and the broader region, Iran has exhibited capability to impart its influence at regional as well as global level  

Iraq Moves to Tackle Climate Challenge

[ © The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington ]

 After decades of inaction, Iraq is finally moving forward in adopting a more climate friendly energy strategy. In recent weeks, it has stepped up efforts to reduce sharply the enormous amounts of natural gas that it flares into the atmosphere and pushed forward with contracts for the country’s first solar power plant  

Reading of the Week: Vessel protection against piracy in the Gulf of Guinea: a public private hybrid

[ © Danish Institute for International Studies ]

 Private security companies supplement state efforts to protect merchant vessels from piracy attacks in the Gulf of Guinea, yet operations are poorly regulated. Denmark and other seafaring states should call for harmonised international legislation, standardised conduct and the creation of robust oversight mechanisms