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  Weekly readings

Avenues for Regional Energy Cooperation in the Gulf

[ © Istituto Affari Internazionali ]

 As the Gulf region navigates the challenges of the energy transition and geopolitical dynamics, regional and international cooperation have become even more essential. The importance of regional energy cooperation in the Gulf has long been a focal point for policymakers, industry leaders, and stakeholders in the region and globally, even during heightened tensions and conflicts.  

The Iranian Nuclear Strategy-Is It About to Change?

[ © The Institute for National Security Studies ]

 In recent months, as Iran has approached the nuclear threshold and shortened the times for producing nuclear weapons, and as the monitoring by the International Atomic Energy Agency over the nuclear facilities has significantly declined, Iran could likely decide to change its policy and achieve nuclear weapons capability.  

All Eyes on The Hague: The ICC Prosecutors Move against Hamas and Israeli Leaders

[ © International Crisis Group ]

 The ICC prosecutor has said he is seeking arrest warrants for top Hamas and Israeli figures in connection with crimes committed since 7 October 2023. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts Brian Finucane, Stephen Pomper and Mairav Zonszein examine the legal and political implications.  

The strategic mirage of Africas green minerals wealth

[ © Overseas Development Institute ]

 A universally acknowledged truth is that there must be something inexplicably wrong with Africa. How can a continent endowed with so much natural wealth be so poor? How can a green desert be possible? Whatever bad leadership, colonial vestiges, social fractures or other negative forces are at work in Africa must be worse than everywhere else to make this paradox make sense.  

LIntelligence Artificielle en Afrique: defis et opportunites

[ © Policy Center ]

 L'intégration de l'Intelligence Artificielle (IA) en Afrique laisse entrevoir des perspectives prometteuses et pose des défis substantiels. Si certains pays du continent se distinguent par leur engagement et eurs avancées dans la préparation à l'adoption de l'IA, d'autres font face à des obstacles majeurs, tels que les inégalités structurelles et les fractures numériques.  

As South Africas pivotal election looms, its citizens will play a key role in ensuring its credibility

[ © Chatham house ]

 South Africa’s 29 May election has been tipped as the most important since the first democratic poll in 1994 and an important inflection point. Most polls have indicated that the ruling ANC will lose its majority but retain a leading role in national government and most of the provinces.  

Two Futures for Global Development

[ © Center for Global Development ]

 This note presents two scenarios for the world economy and development prospects to 2050 based on the forecasting exercises and analysis presented in a series of papers. "A World Off Course" outlines the downside scenario while "Momentum Regained" suggests the upside potential.  

China and Russia in the Middle East: Seeking Integration Under a Common Goal

[ © Wilson Center ]

 China and Russia have had different relations with the Middle East since the mid-20th century. Over the years, their regional involvement has diverged, with Russia focusing on military and energy sectors and China on economic engagement.  

Safeguarding the right to adequate food during pandemics and emergencies: Lesson from COVID-19

[ © International Development Law Organization & Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ]

 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on food security and nutrition continues to constitute a global emergency. Global food commodity prices reached a ten-year high as a result of the pandemic, gravely exacerbating pre-existing vulnerabilities and negatively impacting food security and nutrition on a large scale, particularly affecting vulnerable people and communities.  

Reading of the Week: Iran after Raisi: what comes next?

[ © Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale ]

 Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian were killed on Sunday in a helicopter crash while returning from Iran’s East Azerbaijan province. The president’s death, along with that of one of his closest officials, comes at a very delicate time for the Islamic Republic, which has faced numerous domestic and international challenges over the past year.  

Vulnerability and Governance in the Context of Climate Change in Jordan

[ © Carnegie Endowment for International Peace ]

 Compared to neighboring countries that continue to wrestle with political instability, natural disasters, conflict, and mass migrations, Jordan is a relatively small and stable nation. Yet today it faces serious economic challenges, with youth unemployment at around 50 percent and a debt ratio that is around 114 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP). Climate change compounds an already dire economic situation; impacts key sectors of the economy  

Saudi Arabia Has a Red Sea Vision, Not Yet a Strategy

[ © The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington ]

 Since the mid-2010s, the Red Sea has been at the center of Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy due to the interplay of domestic, regional, and international dynamics. Economic projects under Vision 2030 have reflected Riyadh’s goals in the Red Sea and how the kingdom imagines the future of the region connecting the Arabian Peninsula with Africa.