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  Weekly readings

READING OF THE WEEK: Feed Africa Strategy 2016 - 2025

[ © African Development Bank Group ]

 In Africa, agriculture contributes about 15% of total GDP on average, employs more than half of the total labor force, and within the rural population, provides livelihoods for multitudes of smalls-scale producers whose farms constitute approximately 80% of all farms in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (OECD-FAO, 2016).  

SWEDD Annual Report

[ © UNFPA ]

 The year 2023 was a crucial year for the Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend (SWEDD) project. It marked the transition to the SWEDD+ expansion phase, which included the integration of three new countries and the strengthening of funding in two countries.  

Financializing Commodity Markets: Consequences, Advantages and African Case Study

[ © Policy Center For The South ]

 This paper examines the existing literature to clarify the positive and negative aspects of commodity financialization, drawing on global examples and specific cases within Africa. By examining best practices and lessons learned, this paper offers guidance on how African countries can navigate the complexities of preparing for and embracing commodity financialization in order to unlock its potential benefits while mitigating the associated risks.  

Reading of the Week: Re-balancing migration narratives. Key lessons on communication from EUROMED Migration V

[ © International Centre for Migration Policy Development ]

 This report overviews and discusses the key findings from the original research of the EUROMED Migration V programme on migration narratives in the Euro-Mediterranean region. As part of the programme, eight reports were published, each dedicated to a different facet of migration narratives and each offering an original contribution that can help communicators offer a more balanced set of migration narratives.  

Nine Ideas to Improve AGOA

[ © Center For Global Development ]

 The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) is up for renewal this year. AGOA is a cornerstone of US-Africa economic relations, and has enjoyed bipartisan support for nearly a quarter century. But it's showing its age. A lot has changed since Bill Clinton signed the bill back in 2000—not least, the rise of China as a global manufacturing powerhouse.  

Gulf Monarchies Bolder Multipolar Moment

[ © Italian Institute for International Political Studies ]

 In latest years, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states have quickly grown up and have become middle regional powers with global influence. These states have experimented and valued the international multipolar order learning how to navigate it through rivalries and crises.  

Nine Ideas to Improve AGOA

[ © Center for Global Development ]

 The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) is up for renewal this year. AGOA is a cornerstone of US-Africa economic relations, and has enjoyed bipartisan support for nearly a quarter century. But it's showing its age. A lot has changed since Bill Clinton signed the bill back in 2000—not least, the rise of China as a global manufacturing powerhouse.  

Nobody Does it Better. The Use of CIWS in the Red Sea and The Gulf of Aden

[ © The Security Distillery ]

 Western navies have found themselves increasingly reliant on weapons systems doctrinally understood as “last lines of defence” in the Red Sea. This article investigates the nature of the Houthi threat and the operational intricacies faced by the “Prosperity Guardian” and “Aspides” coalition missions.  

Reformed foreign ownership rules in UAE: the impact on business entry

[ © Economic Research Forum ]

 In an effort to stimulate economic growth and diversify the economy, the government of the United Arab Emirates has recently implemented regulatory reform that allows 100% foreign ownership of companies operating in the country. This column examines the implications of the reform for entry of new firms in Dubai.  

Most of Irans Latest Presidential Aspirants Have a Domestic Background

[ © The Washington Institute for Near East Policy ]

 After the registration period for Iranian presidential candidates ended on June 3, Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi stated that 80 individuals had applied to run in the June 28 emergency election to replace the late Ebrahim Raisi. Presumably, he was only counting serious registrants, as past elections have drawn vastly more hopefuls.  

HIDDEN FIGURES: Women navigating a culture of exclusion in peace and conflict resolution processes

[ © Rift Valley Institute ]

 The representation of women, particularly in peace processes, often excludes women’s voices, their shared experiences, and their contributions. This can be seen in the limited recognition of women’s contributions in historical narratives and the frequent portrayal of women solely as victims and vulnerable.  

Grand Bassa and the 50/50 tax pilot: A brilliant idea, but...

[ © Norwegian Institute of International Affairs ]

 This research note examines the implementation of property tax in Liberia. Based on original fieldwork data, the note analyses taxpayers' perceptions of the new tax system in the light of their experiences with public services, development projects and the political system.