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  Weekly readings

Reading Of The Week: Smoke and mirrors: The Syrian regimes dubious anti-drug campaigns

[ © Middle East Institute (MEI) ]

 The Syrian regime recently announced that it had arrested over 2,000 people in Damascus on drug-related charges during the first half of 2024. Investigative reports confirm that Syria's drug market continues to grow in terms of production, distribution, and consumption levels. However, the relatively small amount of drugs confiscated suggests the regime is focusing on arresting users and street-level pushers rather than going after the major producers and traffickers.  

Monday Briefing: How significant is reformist candidate Pezeshkians victory in Irans presidential vote?

[ © Middle East Institute (MEI) ]

 Iran’s presidential elections ended with heart surgeon and moderate “reformist” Masoud Pezeshkian winning by a margin of 3 million votes against hardliner Saeed Jalili. The elections were called to replace President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a mysterious helicopter crash in late May. The July 5 runoff followed a first-round vote on June 28 with record low turnout and inconclusive results.  

Can a free trade area in services boost trade within the Arab region?

[ © Economic Research Forum (ERF) ]

 With trade in goods among Arab countries remaining modest, trade in services could play the pivotal role of an engine of growth in economic integration within the region, as well greater participation in global value chains. This column outlines progress to date and what needs to be done to make a success of AFTAS, the Arab free trade area in services.  

Nigerias participation in the Guided Trade Initiative

[ © Supporting Investment & Trade in Africa (SITA) ]

 The Guided Trade Initiative (GTI) of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) was launched on 7 October 2022 in response to the growing demand for trading under the AfCFTA to start. It was designed as an interim trading arrangement to test the provisions of the AfCFTA, to identify challenges and bottlenecks and to help maintain the political momentum behind as well as public support for the Agreement.  

A Target Product Profile for an Innovative Road Construction Technology Solution

[ © Center For Global Development (CGD) ]

 Target Product Profiles (TPPs) are a staple of the health sector. They are used to communicate client needs and requirements for products not currently available on the market, with information on how the new product will be used, by and for whom, and the minimum and ideal performance criteria. TPPs guide the industry to develop products that meet current needs. They are not intended to act as final procurement specifications, but rather as a list of desired requirements, which combined, describes the ideal product considering the context. Clients recognize that innovation is an iterative process and suppliers must balance sometimes competing requirements against product development progress.  

Fighting deepens around El Fasher in Sudan, al-Shabaab loses territory in Somalia, and police crackdown on tax-related protests in Kenya

[ © Armed Conflict Location & Event Data (ACLED) ]

  A new major battle broke out in the North Darfur city of El Fasher, which has been surrounded since April by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). El Fasher is the only capital city in Darfur that is still controlled by the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF). The SAF, backed by its allies, managed to conduct multiple offensive maneuvers on RSF strongholds in rural territories in North Darfur. During the clashes, the SAF claimed to have inflicted several casualties on the RSF, including killing the local operation commander.  

Reading of the Week: Climate Change in the Middle East and North Africa - Mitigating Vulnerabilities and Designing Effective Policies

[ © Carnegie Endowment For International Peace ]

 Policy awareness about the challenges of climate change in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has been on the rise, especially with Egypt hosting the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27) in 2022 and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) hosting COP28 in 2023.  

US Security Assistance to Nigeria: Civilian Protection Gaps and Opportunities

[ © Center for Civilians in Conflict ]

 Nigeria has relied on the United States (US) for support in its efforts to combat a variety of armed opposition groups (AOGs), and the US considers Nigeria a key partner in West Africa. Nigeria faces formidable security challenges as AOGs across the country harm civilians and threaten livelihoods.  

Toward Smart Sustainable Cities in the MENA Region

[ © Baker Institute for Public Policy ]

 Social, political, economic, and environmental changes have led to rapid urbanization and expansion of cities in Arab Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries, creating new opportunities, along with challenges, in the development and sustainability of cities. Emerging economic sectors in transportation, infrastructure services, and information and communication technologies will play a vital role in confronting the challenges.  

Civilians or Soldiers? Settler violence in the West Bank

[ © Armed Conflict Location and Event Data ]

 Since February 2024, the United States has imposed a series of unprecedented sanctions linked to Israeli settlers in the West Bank for human rights violations. This includes two rounds of sanctions targeting a close associate of Israel’s far-right national security minister, two entities that raised money for violent settlers, five settlers, and two illegal outposts.  

In Search of a Middle East and North Africa Peace System

[ © The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research ]

 This latest MEAC Research into Action report examines the operations and limitations of peace systems in MENA. Multi-tiered peace systems, comprising institutions and mechanisms from hyper-local to state and regional, work to mitigate and resolve conflicts throughout the region. Through a conversation with Dr. Ahram, the report summarizes this academic research, distills its policy implications, and proposes practical and realistic approaches to conflict resolution beyond MENA.  

Sub-Saharan Africa: Policies and finance for renewable energy deployment

[ © International Renewable Energy Agency ]

 This report explores trends in renewable energy investment, finance and policy in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a view to unlocking the potential of renewable energy as an important lever of socio-economic development in the region.