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  Weekly readings

In Light of Regional Escalation: Saudi Arabias Not Alone Approach

[ © Brussels International Center ]

 Since the Israel-Gaza war erupted one year ago, the Middle East has been gripped by escalating conflict, humanitarian disaster and regional destabilisation. Despite ongoing international efforts to broker a ceasefire, tensions remain high. Amid this turmoil, key regional players remain deeply concerned about an uncontrollable escalation. Saudi Arabia, in particular, finds itself in a delicate position: it seeks to maintain solidarity with the Palestinian cause while keeping perspectives for a pragmatic engagement with Israel on the table.  

Advancing AfCFTA digital trade implementation in Ghana

[ © Overseas Development Institute ]

 The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is a game-changer for Africa's economic development, and Ghana is uniquely positioned to reap the rewards. With a thriving digital economy and proactive government policies, Ghana is ready to embrace the opportunities presented by the AfCFTA's Protocol on Digital Trade.  

Developing Green Value Chains: Collaborating for a Mutually Beneficial EU-Africa Partnership

[ © Istituto Affari Internazionali ]

  Reducing carbon emissions entails a fundamental shift in energy production and consumption. It requires significantly more mineral products, such as copper and lithium, to manufacture low-carbon and mobility products. However, accessing the critical raw materials (CRMs) and related cleantech products needed to keep global warming under the 1.5°C threshold is increasingly challenging.  

Civilian Protection in Sudan: Emerging Lessons from UNITAMS

[ © Stimson ]

 Sudan’s civil war disrupted the political transition and work of the UN’s former special political mission UNITAMS, forcing it to depart the country. Taking a step back from the current conflict, this report reflects on the Security Council’s attempt to support the protection of civilians in country in the few years preceding the war.  

Reading of the Week: Russias Influence in Africa - The Role of the Russian Orthodox Churc

[ © Foreign Policy Research Institute ]

 Since 2021, the Russian Orthodox Church has established an expanded presence in Africa, in competition with the Greek Orthodox Church in Alexandria, Egypt. Facing condemnation from the West since its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has sought to expand its influence in Africa with soft power in addition to a military presence in the form of first the Wagner Group and now Africa Corps.  

Civilian Support for Military Coups Isnt a Bug - Its a Feature

[ © Baker Institute for Public Policy ]

 In September 2024, authorities in Benin detained the country’s former sports minister and a prominent businessman for allegedly plotting a coup against the West African nation’s president, Patrice Talon. Had a putsch materialized, Benin would have joined a growing list of African countries to have experienced a military coup over the past four years.  

Le partenariat strategique entre lInde et Israel au XXIeme siècle

[ © La Fondation Méditerranéenne D’études Stratégiques ]

 L’Inde, pays promoteur du mouvement des non-alignés et ardent défenseur de l’anticolonialisme, a manifesté sa solidarité pour la cause palestinienne lors des premières décennies du conflit israélo-palestinien. Les événements du 7 octobre 2023 ont toutefois mis en exergue une proximité avec Israël. La relation indo-israélienne, dont le fil rouge est le développement du partenariat de défense, leur est en réalité mutuellement bénéfique.  

The elusive Israeli quest for strategic victory

[ © Fanack ]

 Several Israeli attacks on Hezbollah communication systems, aerial attacks on its rocket launchers and caches, assassination of much of the movement’s top leadership and now an Israeli ground offensive form a macabre dance with assaults in the form of relentless Hezbollah rocket and drone attacks on northern Israel, as well as a direct Iranian missile attack more recently. The air hangs heavy with threats of retaliation.  

Oman seeks improve its coastal security

[ © The Washington Institute for Near East Policy ]

 Oman is actively stepping up its coastal security in light of ongoing challenges from the "axis of resistance." The activities of Iran’s allies in its “axis of resistance” have brought into focus the major challenge that Oman has always faced in securing its 3,175 km coastline. Oman’s ability to effectively police its own territorial waters is one half of the problem.  

ATMIS Transition and Post-ATMIS Security Arrangements in Somalia

[ © International Peace Institute ]

 The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), which replaced AMISOM in 2022, is a UN peacekeeping mission with the mandate to support the Somali Security Forces (SSF) in combating al-Shabaab and securing the country. As ATMIS is set to conclude by December 2024, discussions are underway for a follow-on mission, the African Union Support and Stabilization Mission in Somalia (AUSSOM), to ensure continued support and prevent a security vacuum.  

Cultural practices and state weaknesses drive South Sudan-Ethiopia abductions

[ © Enhancing Africa's response to transnational organised Crime ]

 An estimated ten thousand cattle rustlers attacked an Eastern Equatoria community on 23 April, killing 32 people, stealing 16 000 head of cattle from herders - and abducting over 100 women and children. The abduction of women and children during cattle raids is fairly common along the South Sudan-Ethiopia border.  

Reading of the Week: Time to Push for Next Step on Women, Peace and Security: Ensuring Positive Impact for Women in Conflict

[ © International Peace Institute ]

 Next year marks 25 years since the adoption of landmark United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS). A persistent question in preparing for this event is how Security Council members that support WPS can make sure their efforts lead to changes on the ground. This is central in an era of pushback against women’s rights and gender equality in many parts of the world.