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 Women, Children, and Vulnerable Groups in Displacement Settings in the Middle East


 Women, Children, and Vulnerable Groups in Displacement Settings in the Middle East: Assessing Disproportionate Needs and Insecurities

 Date : 22 Nov 2023

 Time:  09.00 – 15.00 UTC+2

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The NATO Strategic Direction-South Hub and the Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding will host  subject matter experts from the Middle East and beyond to engage in an action-oriented discussion regarding the disconnect between the WPS agenda and forced displacement.


Talking Points

  • The experiences of women, children and vulnerable groups in displacement settings in the Middle East, with a particular focus on refugee and Internal Displaced Persons camps, with the view of understanding differentiated security and humanitarian needs.
  • Key challenges in advancing the fourth pillar of the WPS agenda and policy and practice gaps in responding to the gender dimensions in the context of forced displacement.
  • Put forward recommendations on means and pathways to leverage the transformative potential of the WPS agenda in advancing inclusive and durable solutions to forced displacement. 
  • the risk of radicalization and recruitment into armed groups and criminal networks of youth and children

This event is part of NATO's approach to the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda (read more about the agenda). This initiative establishes and strengthens a networks with regional actors in the Middle East, with the aim of identifying areas for cooperation in order to advance stability.


The impact of protracted conflict and violence on irregular mobility and displacement presents the Middle East with a complex set of interlinked challenges to peace, security and sustainable development.   This renders MENA the second highest concentration of IDPs, with (80%) of displacement triggered by armed conflict and violence, particularly in Iraq, and Syria.  Mindful of the above, the insecurities experienced by people on the move along with displaced populations, particularly women, children and vulnerable groups, are seriously aggravated, whereby displaced communities are exposed to compounded protection risks and exclusion.  Furthermore, the disruption of education as a result of displacement does not only compromise the development outcomes of children and youth, but also forces them to adopt negative coping mechanisms and exposes them to the risk of radicalization and recruitment into armed groups and criminal networks.

Subject Matter Experts



Director at Women Business      Development Center


Loredana Teodorescu

Head of EU and International Affairs, Istituto Luigi Sturzo & President, Women In International Security Italy


Jasmin Lilian Diab 

Scholar and expert in Migration, Gender and Conflict Studies | Director of the Institute for Migration Studies and Assistant Professor at the Lebanese American University


Gennaro Migliore

Presidente Emerito dell'Assemblea parlamentare del Mediterraneo


Amb. Ahmed Abdel-Latif

Ambassador, Director-General of the Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA)


Assal Mahmoud

Women, Peace and Security Program Associate at the Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding


Ingi Rashed

Transnational Threats Associate Program Officer at CCCPA


Dr. Alessandro Politi

Director of the NATO Defense College Foundation


Suzan Aref

Founder and Director of Women Empowerment Organization


Anna Cervi

Trained mediator registered with the Italian Ministry of Justice and the International Mediation Institute and an expert on humanitarian diplomacy, mediation and international sanctions. 


Laura Sabrina Martucci

Professor of Comparative Ecclesiastical Law, and of Ecclesiastical Law. Coordinator of the Master in Terrorism, prevention of subversive radicalization, security and cybersecurity. - University of Bari Aldo Moro

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