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Gender Equality and (In)Stability in Africa

Webinar with 70 community and civil society participants from Africa, discussing Gender Equality and In/Stability in Africa.

Africa - Women Peace & Security - Format: PDF - Size: 971.05 KB - Date: févr., 2019 - Pages: 15 - Copyright: NATO Strategic Direction South HUB - Tags: UN1325, Children
On February 28, 2019, the NATO Strategic Direction– South HUB (NSD-S) and Three Stones International held an online chat forum to discuss "Gender Equality and In/Stability in Africa". During the daylong event, NSD-S Hub personnel engaged with 70 community and civil society participants, including individuals from communities, NGOs, think tanks, and academia, from 17 African countries (DRC, Uganda, Algeria, Ghana, Rwanda, Kenya,Tanzania, S. Sudan, Sudan, Burkina Faso, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Liberia, Egypt, and Zimbabwe) and 8 non-African countries (Turkey, China, US, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Canada,and UK).

Empowering women is not just the right thing to do, it's the smart thing to do: it makes countries safer and more stable. NATO is determined to make a difference, including through our training and operations".
NATO SG announcing Clare Hutchinson's appointment as Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security in 2018

Diverse and thoughtful inputs were provided by participants spanning six topics. The main outcome was gender equality is a process that needs to be continuously pushed forward inorder to reach sustainable levels to support stability and security in Africa. However, this must be done in an inclusive way and with consideration for possible counter productive effects. There were questions about NATO and gender policies, and what NATO is doing in this space.

Key Insights

  • To achieve gender equality, men need to be involved. This is important to reduceGender-Based Violence (GBV) and to train men, including boys, in gender equality.Without awareness from men, gender equality and women empowerment can resultin even more violence.
  • Equal access to literacy and health is fundamental for future stability. Women literacy translates to empowerment for all the community (children first) and improves economic and social situations

  • Women leaders and women in decision-making positions think more about sustainable solutions for the well-being of the community. Examples of best practices on countering violent extremism (CVE), peace mediation, climate change, and aparticipant mentioned an example from Libya on how women leaders have an impact.

  • UNSCR 1325 is considered important to lead the way but needs to be implementedon the ground, not just on paper. There are currently no monitoring and evaluationmechanisms and not all countries have National Action Plans (NAP).

  • Increasing the number of female law enforcement personnel promotes prevention of GBV and staff needs to be trained on gender awareness and women's rights. Awareness should be raised against GBV also in the communities and with local administrations.

  • Gender equality is a factor for more stability but not without nuances. Gender equality should be strategically reached with gender equity and constitutions or laws supporting gender equality. They should be effectively applied and not remain on paper.

The NATO Southern Hub

© Story by NATO Strategic Direction South HUB